- Polibino, Lipetsk Oblast
Polibino ( _ru. Полибино) is a village ("selo") in
Dankovsky District ofLipetsk Oblast ,Russia . A historical estate of Russian aristocrats Nechayevs is located there.The estate is composed of a palace,
English park , regular gardens, ponds, and more. On the grounds of the estate the world's firsthyperboloid structure —the steel open-work latticehyperboloid tower —is located. [ cite web | title = Hyperboloid water tower | date = 2007 | publisher = Nicolas Janburg, ICS | work = International Database and Gallery of Structures | url = http://en.structurae.de/structures/data/index.cfm?ID=s0037128 | accessdate = 2007-11-28]The Great
Russia n engineer andarchitect Vladimir Shukhov was the first in the world to invent and use inconstruction hyperboloid towers. For the 1896 All-Russia industrial and art exhibition inNizhniy Novgorod V.G.Shukhov built thesteel lattice 37-meterfact|date=February 2008tower , which became the firsthyperboloid structure in the world. The astonishinghyperboloid stellgridshell caused delight of the European specialists. The English magazine "The Engineer " published an article about the Shukhov tower at the 1896 exhibition in Nizhniy Novgorod - "The Nijni-Novgorod exhibition: Water tower, room under construction, springing of 91 feet span", The Engineer, 1897, № 19.3. - P. 292-294: ill.After the exhibition had closed, the openwork tower of rare beauty was bought by the well-known Maecenas of that time Yu.S. Nechaev-Maltsov and placed in his estate Polibino,
Lipetsk Oblast , where it has preserved until now under the state protection. In the subsequent years, V.G.Shukhov developed numerous structures of varioushyperboloid steelgridshell s and used them in hundredswater tower s, sea lighthouses, masts of warships and supports for power transmission lines. Thehyperboloid structure s appeared abroad only 10 years after the Shukhov'sinvention .ee also
Yury Nechaev-Maltsov
*Stepan Nechayev
*Shukhov Tower
*All-Russia exhibition 1896
*Hyperboloid structure
*List of Hyperboloid structures References
* [http://www.panoramio.com/user/1373672 Photos of Polibino and vicinities]
* William Craft Brumfield: [http://content.cdlib.org/view?docId=ft1g5004bj&chunk.id=d0e122 "The Origins of Modernism in Russian Architecture"] , University of California Press,1991 , ISBN 0-520-06929-3.
* [http://spec.lib.vt.edu/IAWA/inventories/English.html Elizabeth C. English] : [http://www.pubs.asce.org/WWWdisplay.cgi?0510374 "Invention of Hyperboloid Structures"] , Metropolis & Beyond,2005 .
* [http://spec.lib.vt.edu/IAWA/inventories/English.html Elizabeth C. English] : [http://repository.upenn.edu/dissertations/AAI9989589/ “Arkhitektura i mnimosti”: The origins of Soviet avant-garde rationalist architecture in the Russian mystical-philosophical and mathematical intellectual tradition”,] a dissertation in architecture, 264 p., University of Pennsylvania, 2000.
* Rainer Graefe, Jos Tomlow: “Vladimir G. Suchov 1853-1939. Die Kunst der sparsamen Konstruktion.”, 192 S., Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Stuttgart, 1990, ISBN 3-421-02984-9.
* [http://www.giovannardierontini.it/ Fausto Giovannardi] : [http://www.costruzioni.net/articoli/Shukhov/Shukhov.pdf "Vladimir G. Shukhov e la leggerezza dell’acciaio"] , Borgo San Lorenzo, 2007.Photos
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.