1642 in England

1642 in England

Events from the year 1642 in the Kingdom of England.


Monarch - King Charles I of England


* 4 January - Charles I attempts to arrest five leading members of the Long Parliament, but they escape. [http://www.british-civil-wars.co.uk/timelines/1641.htm British Civil Wars, Commonwealth and Protectorate 1638-60] ]
* 13 February - Charles assents to the Bishops Exclusion Act thereby removing all bishops from the House of Lords.
* 27 February - Charles rejects the Militia Bill.
* 5 March - Parliament declares that "the People are bound by the Ordinance for the Militia, though it has not received the Royal Assent".
* 18 June - Charles rejects the Nineteen Propositions.
* 10 July30 July - Charles besieges Hull in an attempt to gain control of its arsenal.
* 22 August - Charles raises the royal battle standard over Nottingham Castle, so declaring war on his own Parliament.
* 2 September - Parliament orders the theatres of London closed, effectively ending the era of English Renaissance theatre.
* 23 September - English Civil War: Royalist victory at the Battle of Powick Bridge.cite book |last=Palmer |first=Alan & Veronica |year=1992 |title= The Chronology of British History|publisher= Century Ltd|location=London|pages= 178-179|isbn= 0-7126-5616-2]
* 23 October - English Civil War: Royalist victory at the Battle of Edgehill, the first pitched battle of the War.
* 29 October - King Charles enters Oxford and establishes his court there.
* 13 November - At the Battle of Turnham Green, the Royalist forces withdrew in face of the Parliamentarian army and failed to take London.


* 20 June - George Hickes, minister and scholar (died 1715)
* 25 December (O.S.) - Isaac Newton, mathematician and physicist (died 1727)


* 7 February - William Bedell, clergyman (born 1571)
* 24 October - Robert Bertie, 1st Earl of Lindsey Fen drainage adventurer and soldier (born 1583)
* 7 November - Henry Montagu, 1st Earl of Manchester, politician (born c. 1563)


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