- Künstlerleben
Künstlerleben (Artists' Life) op. 316 is a
waltz written byJohann Strauss II in1867 , following closely on the success of the popularThe Blue Danube waltz . Austria was severely shaken the previous year1866 by the crushing defeat that the Austrian army suffered in theBattle of Königgrätz and many of the year's festivities and balls were cancelled as the prevalent depressing mood affected most ofVienna 's populace.Strauss' near impossible task of inspiring the same joie de vivre into the Vienna Carnival
Fasching of1867 was met with great aplomb by all three Strauss brothers as their works displayed no signs of dying inspiration, and in turn introducing to the Viennese how their creative spirit defied the troubled spirit of the times.Johann Strauss II andJosef Strauss both presented sparkling new works at the 'Hesperus' Ball which was held at theDianabad-Saal on18 February 1867 , with the 'Artists Life' waltz presented just three nights after the successful performance ofThe Blue Danube at the same venue. The 'Hesperus' Association known as the Vienna Artists' Association was a well-known and influential society of which all three Strauss brothers were members.The new waltz was quickly heralded as a new 'twin' of the 'Blue Danube' and its popularity has since been retained in the classical music repertoire. The composer's best inspiration can be seen in the Introduction of the waltz, which began with a plaintive horn solo and a quietly dramatic string passage in A minor. A pensive waltz melody in A major was introduced, before being cut short by two loud and fierce chords. The first waltz section was then played, with a high-spirited tune and a robust accompanying waltz passage. The second waltz section was a melancholic tune in two parts, with the same dramatic chords as heard in the Introduction before a more upbeat tune heralds the entry of the happier third section. The plaintive mood of the waltz continued in the fifth section before the minor-sounding Coda (tail-piece) was brought in. The first waltz melody makes another quiet entrance before the waltz was brought to its triumphant close, with a strong chord and flourish, underlined by a snare-drumroll.
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