- Bahram Soroush
Bahram Soroush is a UK-based
civil rights activist [http://www.iranian.com/Namazie/2004/June/Islam/ Two thumbs down] - Transcript of TV interview with Bahram Soroush aired on TV International English, a channel owned byWorker-Communist Party of Iran , June 2004] and a member of theWorker-Communist Party of Iran Central Committee [ [http://www.wpiran.org/central%20committee%20page.htm Worker-Communist Party of Iran Central Committee] ] . He has said that is "very difficult to try to separate Islam from Islamic terrorist organisations". In a conference held in June 2006, Bahram said that the "Iranian regime is antiworker and anti-human" [ [http://www.kargaran.org/international%20labor%20solidarity/Wi/IWS_18.pdf Iranian delegation should not have been admitted to the ILO conference] - Bahram Soroush’s speech at the ILO Conference 12 June 2006 ("Workers in Iran", News & views from the labour movement in Iran)] Soroush has said that the Islamic Republic is not a representative of the Iranian people and that it would be dangerous for the Republic to attain nuclear weapons. [ [https://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/regions/world/2004/10/300245.html A Nuclear-Free Iran] - Interview with Bahram Soroush and Fariborz Pooya, aired on International TV, October 24, 2004]Comments on Islamophobia
Soroush has said that the term "
Islamophobia " is being used to "stifle thecriticism of Islam " and that "considering the atrocities" committed by Islamic movements, terrorist attacks and honour killings in Muslim countries, it is "understandable that people should have a dislike of Islam and that this negative perception of Islam should have grown".References
External links
* [http://www.iranian.com/Namazie/2004/June/Islam/ Two thumbs down] - Transcript of TV interview with Bahram Soroush aired on TV International English, a channel owned by
Worker-Communist Party of Iran
* [http://www.wpiran.org/English/wb174freshbreeze%20in%20labour%20movement%20in%20Iran.htm A fresh breeze in the labour movement in Iran] - transcript of a TV International interview conducted by Fariborz Pooya (March 7, 2005)
* Various TV appearances on "TV International English", a channel owned byWorker-Communist Party of Iran : [http://www.anternasional.tv/english-f/archive.htm] , [http://www.anternasional.tv/english-f/archive2.htm] , [http://www.anternasional.tv/english-f/archive3.htm]
* [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/spl/hi/pop_ups/02/middle_east_iraqi_opposition_conference/html/7.stm Picture of Soroush as a protester in the "Iraqi opposition conference"] - [http://www.wpiran.org/b-srosh2.jpgAnother picture]
* [http://www.wluml.org/english/newsfulltxt.shtml?cmd%5B157%5D=x-157-217609 UK: Mayor of London, political Islam and us] - Transcript of Interview with Bahram Soroush and Fariborz Pooya (25/05/2005)
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