Sergei Kurdumov

Sergei Kurdumov

Sergei Kurdumov is a Russian scientist. He's a specialist in synergetics.

Research activities

* Inertial laser fusion, localization of thermonuclear burning, cumulative and self-organization phenomena in nonlinear media
* Two- and three-dimensional equilibrium and stability problems in tokamak/stellarator plasmas
* Discrete simulation of Vlasov/Landau plasmas. Collective phenomena and turbulence studies, divertor SOL modelling, particle acceleration in plasmas. Stochastic analog method for nonlinear Boltzmann/Fokker-Planck equation. Non-equilibrium inelastic processes in imploding laser produced plasma and edge plasma kinetics
* Tokamak plasma stability, MHD accelerators
* Numerical algorithms and codes for simulation neutron, radiation a gas dynamics processes in thermonuclear targets
* Numerical methods for many species' kinetics treatment.
* First wall shielding. Numerical problems of charged particle transport
* Quantum statistical models of self-consistent field. Calculation methods of radiative thermodynamic properties for hot dense matter.

External links

* [ Kurdumov, Sergei P. at Moscow: M.V. Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics]

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