HD 154345 b

HD 154345 b

Planetbox begin
name=HD 154345 b
Planetbox image

caption = HD 154345 b and a possible rocky moon.
"(Artist's impression)"
Planetbox orbit
eccentricity=0.036 ± 0.046
period=3322 ± 93
t_peri=2,453,230 ± 330
semi-amp=14.28 ± 0.75
Planetbox character
Planetbox discovery
discovery_date=March 12, 2006
(published: May 27, 2007)
discovery_method=radial velocity
discovery_site=United States
discoverers=Wright et al.
Planetbox catalog
names=GJ 651 b, HIP 83389 b, SAO 46452 b

HD 154345 b, is a Jupiter-sized extrasolar planet orbiting the star HD 154345.


Wright et al. discovered the planet in March 2006 using the radial velocity method to detect small wobbling movement in the star caused by the gravity of the planet. The discovery was published in May 2007.


The planet is a gas giant with a mass at least slightly less than that of Jupiter and is likely to be a near twin of Jupiter, estimated to be around the same size, or slightly larger. It may also harbor a system of moons and/or rings. It orbits its parent star at the distance of 4-4.5 AU. Its orbital period is about 9-9.5 Earth years and its orbit is about circular.


* [http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0611658 web preprint]

External links

* [http://exoplanet.eu/star.php?st=HD+154345 The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopedia: HD 154345]

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