Gershon ben Solomon of Arles

Gershon ben Solomon of Arles

Gerson ben Solomon of Arles (flourished in the second half of the thirteenth century) was a Provençal Jewish philosopher; he is said to be the father of Gersonides.

He was the author of "Sha'ar ha-Shamayim" (Venice, 1547; Rödelsheim, 1801), a sort of encyclopedia divided into three parts, treating: (1) of natural phenomena, metals, plants, animals, and man; (2) of astronomy, principally extracted from Alfergani and the "Almagest"; and (3) of metaphysics, taken from the "Moreh Nebukim" of Maimonides.


*Leopold Zunz, "Benjamin of Tudela", ii. 259;
*Moritz Steinschneider, Cat. Bodl. col. 1014;
*idem, in R. E. J. v. 278;
*Sachs, Kerem Ḥemed, viii. 157;
*Monatsschrift, 1879, pp. 20 et seq.;
*Ernest Renan-Adolf Neubauer, "Les Rabbins Français", pp. 589 et seq.;
*Gross, Gallia Judaica, p. 82.

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