Bibel TV

Bibel TV

Bibel TV ("Bible Television") is Germany's first Christian Television channel. Since October 1st 2002 it broadcasts 24 hours/365 days per year all over Europe. It can be received by digital satellite dish (ASTRA satellite), most digital cable systems in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, a number of (old) analogue cabel systems and on terrestrial DVBT (so far only in the Hamburg/Germany metro area) as well as on the web by continuous streaming on Bibel TV's website.

Bibel TV is free to air.

Bibel TV is Germany's first not-for-profit charitable Television channel. It is financed by support from more than 16,000 Christian who volontarily give donations. Bibel TV is a charitable not for profit foundation (Stiftung) in Hamburg in the north of Germany.16 Christian organizations build the founding assembly of Bibel TV: among them are a subsidiary of the television arm of the Evangelical Church in Germany, a subsidiary of the Roman Catholic Church in Germany, the association of Free churches (including Baptist, Methodist,Mennonite,Pentecostal, Salvation Army), the German Billy Graham Association, Campus Crusade for Christ in Germany and the German Bible Society, called Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft.

Henning Röhl is director of Bibel TV. Personnel: 14 full time and a number of part time and many volunteers.

External links

* [ Bibel TV website]

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