- Teddy Award
The Teddy Award is an international
film award for films withLGBT topics inGermany . The award is each year presented inBerlin by an independent jury as an official award of theBerlin International Film Festival or as it is commonly known, theBerlinale . Here, an "independent jury" implies that its members are not officially selected by the committee of theBerlinale . In the most part, the jury generally consists of organisers of gay and lesbian film festivals, who view films screened in all sections of the Berlinale. Subsequently, a list of films meeting criteria for LGBT content is selected by the jury, and a 3,000-Euro Teddy is awarded to a feature film, a short film and a documentary. The award was first given in 1987.History of the Award
In 1987 German filmmakers
Wieland Speck andManfred Salzgeber formed a jury called the International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival Association (IGLFFA) to create an award for LGBT films.The first Teddy Award was given to
Pedro Almodóvar for his film "La ley del deseo ", which featuredAntonio Banderas .1990 was the first bigger festival in the LGBT centrum SchwuZ in Berlin with around 400 guests. The evening was organized from "BeV StroganoV" and workers of the bookstore "Eisenherz" in Berlin. In 1992 the award was officially made part of the Berlin International Film Festival. In 1997 "TEDDY e.V.", a
non-profit organisation was founded, which lobbied the award.Categories
There are three categories in which the award is given:
* feature film
* documentary
* short filmPast winners
* Best feature film: "
La ley del deseo " ("Law of Desire") –Pedro Almodóvar
* Best short film: "Five Ways to Kill Yourself" and "My New Friend" –Gus Van Sant 1988
* Best feature film: "The Last of England" –
Derek Jarman
* Best documentary: "Rights and Reactions" –Phil Zwickler
* Best documentary: "Die Wiese der Sachen " ("The Meadow of Things ") –Heinz Emigholz
* Best short film: "Alfalfa" –Richard Kwietniowski
* Jury award:Tilda Swinton
* "Siegessäule" (German magazine) reader award: "The Last of England" –Derek Jarman 1989
* Best feature film: "
Looking for Langston " –Isaac Julien
* Best film: "Fun Down There " –Roger Stigliano
* Best documentary: "Tiny and Ruby: Hell Divin' Women" –Greta Schiller andAndrea Weiss
* Best documentary: "Urinal" –John Greyson 1990
* Best feature film: "Coming Out" –
Heiner Carow
* Best documentary: "Tongues Untied " –Marlon T. Riggs
* Best short film: "Trojans" –Constantin Giannaris
* Jury award: "Silence = Death " –Rosa von Praunheim 1991
* Best feature film: "Poison" –
Todd Haynes
* Best documentary: "Paris Is Burning" –Jennie Livingston
* Best short film: "Relax" –Chris Newby
* Jury award: "The Making of Monsters" –John Greyson
* Special award: "Forbidden Love " –Vladislav Kvasnicka 1992
* Best feature film: "Together Alone" –
P.J. Castellaneta
* Best documentary: "Voices from the Front" –David Meieran ,Robyn Hut andSandra Elgear
* Best short film: "Caught Looking" –Constantin Giannaris
* Jury award: "Edward II" –Derek Jarman
* Guests award: "Swoon" –Tom Kalin 1993
* Best feature film: "Wittgenstein" –
Derek Jarman
* Best documentary: "Silverlake Life" –Tom Joslin and Peter Friedman
* Best short film: "P(l)ain Truth" –Ilppo Pohjola
* Guests award: "Sex is..." –Marc Huestis 1994
* Best short film: "Go Fish" –
Rose Troche
* Best documentary: "Coming Out Under Fire" –Arthur Dong
* Best short film: "Carmelita Tropicana" –Ela Troyano
* Jury award: "Remembrance of Things Fast: True Stories Visual Lies" –John Maybury
* "Siegessäule" reader award: "Heavy Blow" –Hoang Allen Duong
* Guests award: "Fresa y chocolate " ("Strawberry and Chocolate") –Tomas Gutierrez Alea andJuan Carlos Tabio 1995
* Best feature film: "The Last Supper" –
Cynthia Roberts
* Best documentary: "Complaints of a Dutiful Daughter " –Deborah Hoffmann
* Best short film: "Trevor" –Peggy Rajski
* Jury award: "Dupe od mramora " –Želimir Žilnik
* "Siegessäule" reader award: "Ballot Measure 9" –Heather McDonald
* Guests award: "Priest" –Antonia Bird 1996
* Best feature film: "
The Watermelon Woman " –Cheryl Dunye
* Best documentary: "The Celluloid Closet " –Rob Epstein andJeffrey Friedman
* Best documentary: "I'll Be Your Mirror " –Nan Goldin andEdmund Coulthard
* Best short film: "Unbound" –Claudia Morgado Escanilla
* Best short film: "Alkali, Iowa" –Mark Christopher
* Jury award:Jerry Tartaglia for the "Konservierung" of the films from Jack Smith
* "Siegessäule" award: "Paris Was a Woman " –Greta Schiller 1997
* Best feature film: "
All Over Me " –Alex Sichel
* Best documentary: "Murder and Murder" –Yvonne Rainer
* Best short film: "Heroines of Love " –Nathalie Percillier andLily Besilly
* Special award:Romy Haag
* "Siegessäule" reader award: "All Over Me" – Alex Sichel1998
* Best feature film: "
Hold You Tight " –Stanley Kwan
* Best documentary: "The Brandon Teena Story " –Susan Muska andGréta Olafsdóttir
* Best short film: "Peppermills" –Isabel Hegner
* Jury award: "The Man in Her Life " –Carlos Siguion-Reyna
* Special award:Richard O'Brien
* "Siegessäule" reader award: "The Brandon Teena Story" – Susan Muska and Gréta Olafsdóttir
* Special award: "Uncut" –John Greyson 1999
* Best feature film: "Show Me Love" –
Lukas Moodysson
* Best documentary: "The Man Who Drove With Mandela" –Greta Schiller
* Best short film: "Liu Awaiting Spring" –Andrew Soo
* Jury award: to all German gay-lesbian Berlinale films 1999
* "Siegessäule" reader award: "Trick" –Jim Fall 2000
* Best feature film: "
Water Drops on Burning Rocks " –François Ozon
* Best documentary: "Pharagraph 175" –Rob Epstein andJeffrey Friedman
* Best short film: "Hartes Brot" –Nathalie Percillier
* Jury award: "Drôle de Félix " –Olivier Ducastel andJacques Martineau
* Jury award: "Chrissy " –Jacqui North
* "Siegessäule" reader award: "Drôle de Félix" – Olivier Ducastel and Jacques Martineau2001
* Best feature film: "Hedwig and the Angry Inch" –
John Cameron Mitchell
* Best documentary: "Trembling Before G-d " –Sandi Simcha DuBowski
* Best short film: "Erè Mèla Mèla" –Daniel Wiroth
* Jury award: "Forbidden Fruit" –Sue Maluwa-Bruce andBeate Kunath
* Special award:Moritz de Hadeln
* "Siegessäule" reader award: "The Iron Ladies" –Yongjoot Thongkontoon 2002
* Best feature film: "Walking on Water" –
Tony Ayres
* Best documentary: "Alt om min far" –Even Benestad
* Best short film: "Celebration" –Daniel Stedman
* Jury award: "Just a Woman" –Mitra Farahani
* "Siegessäule" reader award: "Walking On Water" – Tony Ayres2003
* Best feature film: "
A Thousand Clouds of Peace " –Julián Hernández
* Best documentary: "" –Jochen Hick
* Best short film: "Precious Moments" –Lars Krutzkoff andJan Dalchow
* Special award:Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau
* "Siegessäule" reader award: "The Event" –Thom Fitzgerald 2004
* Best feature film: "
Latter Days "
* Best documentary: "The Nomi Song " –Andrew Horn
* Best short film: "¿Con qué la lavaré?" –Maria Trénor
* Special award: Edition Salzgeber
* "Siegessäule" reader award: "D.E.B.S." –Angela Robinson 2005
* Best feature film:
A Year Without Love –Anahí Berneri
* Best documentary: "Katzenball" –Veronika Minder
* Best short film: "The Intervention" –Jay Duplass
* "Siegessäule" reader award: "Transamerica " –Duncan Tucker 2006
* Best feature film: "
The Blossoming of Maximo Oliveros " –Auraeus Solito
* Best documentary: "Beyond Hatred " –Olivier Meyrou
* Best short film: "El día que morí" –Maryam Keshavarz
* Jury award: "Combat" –Patrick Carpentier
* "Siegessäule" reader award: "Paper Dolls" –Tomer Heymann 2007
* Best feature film: "Spider Lilies" –
Zero Chou
* Best documentary: "" –Esther B. Robinson
* Special award:Helmut Berger for his whole lifework
* "Siegessäule" reader award: "The Bubble" –Eytan Fox
* Guest award: "Notes on a Scandal" -Richard Eyre
* Special award: "La León " –Santiago Otheguy 2008
* Best feature film: "
The Amazing Truth about Queen Raquela " -Olaf de Fleur
* Best documentary: "Football Under Cover " -David Assman andAyat Najafi
* Best short film: "Ta" -Felipe Sholl
* Jury award: "Be Like Others " -Tanaz Eshaghian
* "Siegessäule" reader award: "Be Like Others" -Tanaz Eshaghian ee also
Berlin International Film Festival External links
[http://www.berlinale.de/en/das_festival/preise_und_juries/preise_unabhaengigen_jurys/index.html Berlinale Prizes of the Independent Juries]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.