- Elementeo
Elementeo is an educational
trading card game designed to teach kidschemistry in a "fun" way.In the game the players take control of anthropomorphicelement s, which are used in battle against other elements.The game was originally expected to be released at the end of April, but due to printing issues it has been delayed to the 3rd or 4th week of May.Rules
In this game, two or more players wage a chemical war with just one goal in mind – reduce their opponent's electrons to zero. "Armed with their arsenal of elements, compounds, and nuclear reactions, these young chemists strive to create, combat, and conquer the world"
As the commanding general of your army, the player's job is to move - with physical properties, attack - with oxidation states, and strategize with your elements and compounds. The primary goal is to destroy the most number of your opponent's electrons by the end of the game.
The player's army is made up of Element Cards, Compound Cards, and Alchemy Cards. The element cards range from 'element creatures' such as Carbon Conqueror and Sodium Dragon to ones with more mythical powers.
The player also has powerful compounds that can be made during battles from Salt and Water to Sulfuric acid and Polyvinyl Chloride. The game also contains are also 'Alchemy Cards' such as Nuclear Fusion, Slippery Base, and Electron Exchange.
The Cards
Cards come in three common states: Elements, compounds, and alchemy.
Element cards are the basic elements found on theperiodic table of elements .
They are used for basic attacks.Compound cards are compounds of the elements, i.e. Sodium + Chloride =Salt card.
Alchemy cards are special events, such as nuclear fusions or boosting an element's power.All element cards have the following symbols:
* Element Symbol - (The same one shown on theperiodic table of elements )
* Element Name - The name of the element
* Element Family - i.e. metal, gas
* Atomic Mass - (Same one on periodic table)
* Atomic Number - (Same one on periodic table)
* Power - This is shown by spheres at the bottom left. This is also the element's oxidation state.
* Movement - Shown with an arrow: up/down, sideways, or all around on the battleground. This depends upon the state of the element at room temperature (solid, liquid, gas).The Battlefield
The "battlefield" of the game is a 5x5 array of card spaces, in which the player is free to move their elements on their turn
In each turn, a player can do the following:
* Place an element on the fortress row, and bring them to battle.
* Strategically move own elements/compounds on the battleground.
* Attack the opponent's cards with your elements and compounds.
* Create a compound by combining elements.
* Use the properties (effects) of the player's elements to smash the opponent's cards.
* Use Alchemy cards to unleash chaos on the opponent's army.Release
Anshul Samar, the 8th grader CEO of Alchemist Empire(and creator of Elementeo) originally planned for the game's release to be the middle or end of April, but due to problems with the printer company the release was delayed to the 3rd or 4th week of May.
External links
* [http://www.elementeo.com Official Website]
* [http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2007/05/24/BUGA9Q0DHN1.DTL Article from the San Francisco Chronicle]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.