Stabbing Act 1603

Stabbing Act 1603

The Stabbing Act 1603 (1 Jac. I c.8), full title "An Act to take away the Benefit of Clergy from some kind of Manslaughter", was an Act of the Parliament of England enacted during the reign of James I and repealed in 1828. It provided that if any person stabbed "any person that hath not any weapon drawn or that hath not then first stricken the party", and they died within six months as a result, was to suffer the death penalty without being permitted benefit of clergy, as in cases of willful murder. The Act was repealed by the Offences Against the Person (England) Act 1828 and the Criminal Law (India) Act 1828.


*"Select statutes and other constitutional documents illustrative of the reigns of Elizabeth and James I", ed. by G. W. Prothero. Oxford University Press, 1913. Fourth edition.
*"Chronological table of the statutes"; HMSO, London. 1993.

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