Joseph Warkany

Joseph Warkany

Joseph Warkany (1902-1992) was an Austrian American pediatrician known as the "father of teratology". [cite journal |author=Willhite C |title=Josef Warkany |journal=Toxicol. Sci. |volume=58 |issue=2 |pages=220–1 |year=2000 |pmid=11099634 |doi=10.1093/toxsci/58.2.220]

Early life

Warkany was born in Vienna and this is where he completed his medical studies. By 1932, he had published over 23 publications, before moving to Cincinnati, Ohio, on January 5, 1932 where he remained for the rest of his life.


Warkany syndrome 2 is named after him.


Warkany received many awards in his lifetime for his work, including:

* Academy of Pediatrics Mead Johnson Award (1943)
* Academy of Pediatrics Borden Award (1950)
* Modern Medicine Award for Distinguished Achievement (1964)
* Academy of Pediatrics Howland Award (1970)
* Charles H. Hood Foundation Award (1972)
* American Association on Mental Deficiency Research Award (1976)
* Procter Medal Award for Distinguished Research (1979)
* March of Dimes Basil O'Connor Award (1986)


External links

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