List of InuYasha chapters/Vol16to20

List of InuYasha chapters/Vol16to20

=Volumes 16-20=

Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 19
OriginalRelDate = February 2001
OriginalISBN = 4091255892
LicensedRelDate = September 2004
LicensedISBN = 1591166780
ChapterList =
* 179. nihongo|Suspicion|疑い
* 180. nihongo|The Erased Heart|消された心
* 181. nihongo|Sango's Decision|珊瑚の決意
* 182. nihongo|The Face That Wouldn't Disappear|消えない顔
* 183. nihongo|Secret of the Transformation|変化の秘密
* 184. nihongo|The Venomous Cocoon|毒の繭
* 185. nihongo|Rampage|蹂躙
* 186. nihongo|The Lost Soul|失われた心
* 187. nihongo|Blood Soaked In|しみついた血
* 188. nihongo|The Talon Shield|爪の封印
VolumeExtras =;Volume title
* Kagome!
Summary = Kagura leads a horde of Naraku's demons against InuYasha's group, supposedly to try to recover Kohaku's jewel shard. Sango goes out to help InuYasha and Miroku fight them. InuYasha leaves Kagome in Kohaku's care within the shelter. The demons break into the shelter and Kohaku fights them off, then he and Kagome run into the forest and hide. Miroku notices that the demons are not pursuing Kohaku, rather they are tying down InuYasha, Sango, and Miroku. They conclude that Kohaku is still working for Naraku and is after Kagome. Miroku opens his wind tunnel to finish the fighting, in spite of being stung by saimyosho. Kagura flees. Naraku's demon puppet appears to InuYasha and confirms his suspicions by ordering Kagome's death at Kohaku's hand. InuYasha's group follows Kohaku and Kagome. Meanwhile, Kohaku cuts Kagome with his scythe, but does not kill her. Seeing Sango approaching, he grabs the jewel shards and runs. Sango goes after Kohaku alone, planning to kill him (to free him from Naraku) and then commit suicide. InuYasha follows and stops her. He recovers the jewel shards, but Kohaku escapes with Kagura's help. Naraku is angry at Kohaku for failing to kill Kagome, so he punishes him by briefly restoring his unbearable memories. InuYasha and Kagome talk it over and he embraces her.

Sesshomaru visits a 2000 year-old Magnolia tree-demon, Bokusen'on. The scabbards of Tetsusaiga and Tenseiga were made from his branches. Bokuseno explains about InuYasha's demonic transformation.

A village is attacked by bandits headed by Gatenmaru, a moth-demon. InuYasha and Miroku oppose them. InuYasha cuts Gatenmaru's war-ax with Tetsusaiga. Gatenmaru demands that Tetsusaiga be given to him. He envelopes InuYasha and Miroku in a poisonous cocoon. Miroku is trying to hold off the poison, but InuYasha is already affected and has been separated from Tetsusaiga. Gatenmaru tries to hold Tetsusaiga, but it burns him as it burned Sesshomaru. Gatenmaru eats a woman. Sango and Kagome arrive and Gatenmaru decides to eat them. InuYasha undergoes his demonic transformation and rips through the cocoon. InuYasha kills some of the bandits. Gatenmaru changes to his true form. InuYasha kills him and the remaining bandits, even though some of them were pleading for their lives. Sesshomaru arrives and tests the information which Bokuseno gave him, knocking out InuYasha and then leaving. Tetsusaiga is given to InuYasha and he changes back to his normal form. He is appalled at what he has done. Kagome comforts him.

InuYasha goes to Toto-sai to find out how to handle Tetsusaiga so that he can avoid his demonic transformation (fearing that he might kill Kagome while transformed). Toto-sai suggests that killing InuYasha's father's killer, Ryukotsusei, would give him the power to wield Tetsusaiga freely. InuYasha goes to where Ryukotsusei is sealed. As he arrives, he sees Naraku release Ryukotsusei from the seal. Naraku tells Ryukotsusei that InuYasha is the son of his old enemy.Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 20
OriginalRelDate = March 2001
OriginalISBN = 4091255906
LicensedRelDate = December 2004
LicensedISBN = 1591166268
ChapterList =
* 189. nihongo|The Dragon-Bone Spirit|竜骨精
* 190. nihongo|Talons and Blade|爪と刀
* 191. nihongo|The New Tetsusaiga|新生鉄砕牙
* 192. nihongo|The Crushing Stream|爆流破
* 193. nihongo|Tsubaki, the Black Priestess|黒巫女 椿
* 194. nihongo|The Curse|呪詛
* 195. nihongo|The Arrow's Mark|向けられた矢
* 196. nihongo|Tsubaki's Shrine|椿の祠
* 197. nihongo|The Shikigami|式神
* 198. nihongo|The Curse Reflected|呪い返し
VolumeExtras =;Volume title
* Shards of Evil?
Summary = When InuYasha is unable to injure Ryukotsusei, Ryukotsusei gloats that his body is harder than steel and thus invulnerable. Toto-sai arrives with InuYasha's group. Toto-sai says that, now that he is unsealed, Ryukotsusei can only be destroyed with the Bakuryu-ha ("crushing stream", or "backlash wave" in the anime). As the fight continues, Tetsusaiga is knocked out of InuYasha's hands and he transforms to his demonic form. He begins to drive Ryukotsusei back. But Toto-sai says that defeating him in this form would not make Tetsusaiga lighter. Toto-sai wants to flee, but Kagome insists that they stay to support InuYasha. InuYasha grabs hold of Tetsusaiga and returns to his normal form. Tetsusaiga begins to be less heavy. InuYasha pierces Ryukotsusei's heart, but he merely bleeds a little and keeps fighting. InuYasha finds that he can create the wind-scar at will now. However, even the wind-scar does not hurt Ryukotsusei. Toto-sai says that InuYasha has achieved his objective of making Tetsusaiga lighter and should run away. InuYasha refuses and says that he will out-do his father by killing Ryukotsusei. Becoming very angry, Ryukotsusei summons all his aura and unleashes an enormous blast of energy. InuYasha cannot dodge it, so he cuts through it with the wind-scar. Toto-sai is amazed — this is the Bakuryu-ha. It reverses Ryukotsusei's blast and cuts him into small pieces with whirl-winds. Toto-sai explains to InuYasha that he just discovered Tetsusaiga's ultimate move. InuYasha demonstrates that he can now produce the wind-scar at will, but is chastised for showing off.

Kagura brings a very old dark priestess, Tsubaki, to Naraku. Naraku offers his almost complete jewel to Tsubaki for her services. She changes to her true form, a youthful beautiful woman (although she is the same chronological age as Kikyo) due to a deal with demons. In modern Tokyo, Kagome is depressed that she is forgetting what she knew about mathematics. She tells her friends that she made up with InuYasha. She returns to the past and is bitten by Tsubaki's shikigami as she emerges from the bone-eater's well. Tsubaki uses Kagome's blood and the jewel to curse Kagome — Kagome's shards turn black and enter her body, allowing Tsubaki to control her. Miroku and Sango look for Tsubaki. If they kill her, then Kagome will be freed. At Naraku's request, Tsubaki has Kagome try to kill InuYasha with her arrows. Kagome resists surprising Tsubaki. Naraku explains that Kagome is Kikyo's reincarnation and should not be underestimated. Tsubaki is not impressed. Kagome tells InuYasha to run away so that she will not be able to kill him. InuYasha stays. Miroku and Sango cannot pass through Tsubaki's shield, but Kikyo arrives and walks right through it. Kikyo destroy's Naraku's demon puppet and confronts Tsubaki. With Tsubaki distracted, Kagome partially recovers and has InuYasha take her to where the jewel is, i.e with Tsubaki. Tsubaki realizes that Kikyo is undead. Kikyo tells her that she will lose to Kagome. Kagome's arrow breaks Tsubaki's shield. Kikyo threatens to kill Tsubaki, if she harms InuYasha. Kikyo leaves. Tsubaki threatens to kill Kagome, if InuYasha uses Tetsusaiga. Tsubaki reinforces the curse on Kagome. Tsubaki sets her main demon on InuYasha. Miroku tries to exorcise Tsubaki's shikigami to break the curse, but Tsubaki blocks it. Kagome is able to shoot an arrow at Tsubaki while she is distracted, but it misses. Tsubaki again strengthens her curse. InuYasha kills Tsubaki's main demon with his claws of steel. It seems that InuYasha and Miroku have killed Tsubaki's shikigami, but Kagome does not recover. While the remainder of Tsubaki's demons attack InuYasha's group, the shikigami (actually still alive) attacks Kagome. Kagome throws it and the curse back at Tsubaki just as Kikyo did fifty years earlier. Also the jewel is purified and the shards in Kagome emerge. The remains of Tsubaki's demons carry her away, then die. Tsubaki is thinking that at least she still has most of the jewel, but a saimyosho takes it from her. Kikyo sees that Tsubaki is defeated.

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