


Oktava logo.png

Oktava is a Russian microphone manufacturer. It produces a variety of microphones for professional audio and general use. Oktava sells most of its products to the United States and Europe.


The electronics plant that became Oktava began operation in June, 1927 and in four years grew from a local workshop to a state plant that supplied microphones across the Soviet Union.

In the 1950s and 1960s, the plant focused exclusively producing microphones and telephones. The factory went through several rounds of modernization, and implemented a "zero-defect" production system in the 70s. Oktava equipped Kremlin meeting rooms and the state's biggest TV studio, Ostankino. Oktava loudspeakers were installed in large arenas and squares, including Red Square.

In the 1980s and early 1990s, Oktava began producing a number of new model microphones. In the same period, they also began producing hearing aids.

Oktava first exported during the mid-1990s after modernizing the factory. Oktava microphones were well received in the west for their reasonable quality and competitive price.


June 1927: A mechanical workshop opens in Tula to produce radio components.

May 1929: The workshop develops into "The radio-part" factory.

January 1931: The grows into a large state plant attached to the Ministry of Postal Services.

1932-1933: The plant focuses on production of acoustical-electrical transducers—microphones and loudspeakers.

1932: The plant produces their first prototype tuned-radio-frequency [TRF] receiver.

1934: They design and manufacture a 30-watt dynamic loudspeaker . The first batch of 100 loudspeakers is installed in Moscow squares.

January 1934: The plant participates in a national radio equipment Contest in Moscow.

1935: They introduce a 10-watt horn loudspeaker that stays in production until 1945.

1936: The plant releases a dynamic microphone and the T35 radio receiver.

1938: The T37 radio receiver radio receiver goes into production and receives second prize at the 1938 Technology of Communication exhibition.

October 1941: The plant evacuates to the city of Perm.

Early 1942: Technicians and engineers return from the evacuation and reconstruct the plant.

May 1942: The plant reopens, producing mine-detectors, horn loudspeakers, and dynamic microphones.

1943: Company engineers develop a crystal loudspeaker.

1943: The plant wins 1st prize in a national competition.

1945: The plant wins 1st prize in another national competition and 169 staff workers receive medals "for excellent work".

1946: The plant assumes the trademark, Oktava, meaning octave.

1948: Oktava begins producing a 100 watt loudspeaker. The first batch is installed in Moscow's Red Square.

1949: A carbon powder microphone and electromagnetic inset receiver go into production.

1949: Oktava receives their first export order—for the "SDM" microphone.

1951: Oktava manufactures a 25 watt radial moving-coil loudspeaker for the 1951 Agricultural Exhibition in Moscow.

1954-1956: The plant begins to modernize and focus on telephone and microphone production.

1957: Production begins for small telephones and moving coil radial loudspeakers, which are displayed in the Russian section at the 1957 Brussels Exhibition.

1961: Oktava introduces the D2 miniature telephone and supplies dynamic microphones to the Kremlin.

1961: The plant begins a second modernization stage, and starts producing electroacoustic measuring instruments to test microphones and telephones.

1964-1966: Oktava implements a zero-defect production system. The TM-4 miniature telephone and ML-16 ribbon microphone receive a state quality mark.

1968: The plant supplies the Ostankino television center supplying with TG-9 headphones, and MD-66 and MC-13 microphones

1983: The TG-12 headphones and MD-82 microphone receive a bronze medal at the 1983 National Exhibition of Industrial Achievements.

1984: The MCE-9 microphone receives a bronze medal at the 1984 National Exhibition of Industrial Achievements.

1985: The TDS-2 telephone gets a bronze medal at the 1985 National Exhibition of Industrial Achievements".

1986: The MD-86 microphone receives a 2nd Diploma at the 1986 National Exhibition of Industrial Achievements"..

1993 The Electronica and Y-03 hearing aids go into production.

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