Wild Card 2

Wild Card 2

Wild Card 2 is a lottery game (which replaced the original version of "Wild Card"; hence, the "2") played in four contiguous states in the northern United States (Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota.) It is administered by the Multi-State Lottery Association (MUSL), which is better known for Powerball, Hot Lotto, and Cashola. It is drawn Wednesdays and Saturdays.

Players get two games for each $1 wagered. Each game is played in a similar fashion to Powerball; in each drawing, five numbers from 1-31 are selected. The sixth "number" is actually one of 16 playing cards, either a Jack, Queen, King, or the Ace of any of the four suits (Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades).

All prizes, including the jackpot, are paid in lump sum.

At the Idaho Lottery meeting on July 13, 2007, changes to Wild Card 2 were discussed. [http://www.idaholottery.com/meetingAgenda.asp?mId=90] These include: three plays for $2, three drawings per week, a free ticket for matching only two of the five numbers, a "bonus wild card", and a PowerPlay option, which would be similar to the multiplier in Powerball.

External links

* [http://www.musl.com MUSL official site]
* [http://www.idaholottery.com Idaho Lottery]
* [http://www.montanalottery.com Montana Lottery]
* [http://www.ndlottery.org North Dakota Lottery]
* [http://www.sdlottery.org South Dakota Lottery]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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