John Ferne

John Ferne

Sir John Ferne (c. 1560 - 1609 [Simon Healy, [ ‘Ferne, Sir John (c.1560–1609)’] , "Oxford Dictionary of National Biography", Oxford University Press, 2004, accessed 7 Sept 2008] ) was a knight writer on heraldry, a genealogist, an eminent common lawyer.

He served as a secretary in the Council of the North (1595-1609) to Robert Redmayne the third Duke of Huntingdon.

In his 1586 book titled "Blazon of Gentrie" Ferne enumerates as many as 14 different methods of blazon. And these methods are as follows: 1. by colours, 2. by planets, 3. by precious stones, 4. by virtues, 5. by celestial signs, 6. by the months of the year, 7. by the days of the week, 8. by the ages of man, 9. by flowers, 10. by the elements, 11. by the seasons of the year, 12. by the complexions of man, 13. by numbers, 14. by metals.

Though today its practice is considered absurd, it was an organic part of the then heraldic view.


*"The Blazon of Gentrie: Deuided into two parts. The first named, The Glorie of Generositie. The second, Lacyes Nobilitie. Comprehending discourses of Armes and of Gentry. Wherein is treated of the beginning, parts and degrees of gentlenesse, with her lawes: of the bearing, and blazon of Cote-armers: of the lawes of armes, and of combats." John Windet for T. Cooke: London, 1586.

See also

*tricking (heraldry)


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