Isaac Ware

Isaac Ware

Isaac Ware (1704 [Baptised, St. Giles Cripplegate, 6 March 1703/04 Guildhall Library, noted by Colvin 1995.] — 1766) was an English architect and translator of Palladio.

He was apprenticed to Thomas Ripley, 1 August 1721, and followed him in positions in the Office of Works, but his mentor in design was Lord Burlington.Ware was a member of the St. Martin's Lane Academy, which brought together many of the main figures in the English Rococo movement, among them Louis François Roubiliac, who sculpted Ware's portrait bust about 1741. [Exhibited, "Rococo: Art and Design in Hogarth's England" Victoria and Albert Museum, 1984, E15.]

Ware was dissatisfied with the first English translation (done by Giacomo Leoni) of Andrea Palladio's I Quattro Libri dell'Architettura, and in particular Leoni's illustrations. In 1738 Ware published his translation illustrated with his own careful engravings. Ware's version of the "Four Books of Architecture" remained the best English translation into the twentieth century in the opinion of Howard Colvin. "Having thoroughly assimilated Palladian theory", observed Colvin, [Howard Colvin, "A Biographical Dictionary of British Architects 1600-1840", 3rd ed. (Yale University Press) 1995: "Isaac Ware".] "he looked beyond it, and in the 1740s himself helped to dissolve the dictatorship of taste that Burlington imposed in the 1720s."

Aside from his Chesterfield House, London, (1747-52; demolished 1937) with its Palladian exterior and rococo interior details, he engaged in speculative building in the West End of London and built a small number of country houses, most of which have been subsequently remodelled or demolished. Clifton Hill House, Bristol, and Wrotham Park, Barnet survive.

Ware's publications

The following list is taken from Colvin; all were published at London.
*"Designs of Inigo Jones and others", 1731. Second edition, 1743.
*"The Plans, Elevations, and Sections of Houghton in Norfolk", 1735.
*"The Four Books iof Andrea Palladio's Architecture" 1738. Dedicated to Burlington.
*Two engravings of Rokeby Hall, Yorkshire.
*"A Complete Body of Architecture", issued in parts 1756-57. Second edition, 1767, reissued in 1768.
*"The Practice of Perspective, from the Original Italian of Lorenzo Sirigatti, with the figures engraved by Isaac Ware, Esq." A translation of Lorenzo Sirigatti, "La Practica di Prospettiva" (Venice, 1596).


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