Government of India Act

Government of India Act

The term Government of India Act refers to any one of a series of Acts passed by the Parliament of the United Kingdom to regulate the government of British India, in particular:

*Government of India Act 1833 (also known as the "Charter Act"), which created the post of Governor-General of India
*Government of India Act 1858, under which the British government took over control of India from the East India Company, following the rebellion against British rule (mutiny) of 1857
*Government of India Act 1909
*Government of India Act 1915
*Government of India Act 1919
*Government of India Act 1935, which despite never being fully implemented, served as part of the constitutional basis of India and Pakistan for the initial period after the Partition

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  • Government of India Act 1935 — The Government of India Act 1935 ( 26 Geo. 5 1 Edw. 8 c. 2 ) was the last pre independence constitution of the British Raj. The significant aspects of the act were: * It granted Indian provinces autonomy and ended the dyarchy introduced by the… …   Wikipedia

  • Government of India Act 1858 — The Government of India Act 1858, actually entitled An Act for the Better Government of India, is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom (21 22 Vict. c. 106) passed on August 2, 1858. Its provisions called for the liquidation of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Government of India Act 1919 — The Government of India Act 1919 (9 10 Geo. V c. 101) was passed by the Parliament of the United Kingdom to expand participation of the natives in the government of India. The Act embodied the reforms recommended in the report of the Secretary of …   Wikipedia

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  • Government of India Act 1858 — Der Government of India Act 1858,[1] oder auch An Act for the Better Government of India, ist die Bezeichnung eines Gesetzes, das am 2. August 1858 vom britischen Parlament verabschiedet wurde. Es beendete die Oberherrschaft der Britischen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Government of India Acts — ▪ United Kingdom       succession of measures passed by the British Parliament between 1773 and 1935 to regulate the government of India. The first several acts passed in 1773, 1780, 1784, 1786, 1793, and 1830 were generally known as East India… …   Universalium

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