- Roman church in Kalinciakovo
The most significant building in the Kalinčiakovo village,
Levice district,Slovakia , is a Roman style reformed chapel from the12th century . After a fire damaged the building, the chapel was rebuilt from1833 to1835 , reconstructed in1932 and from1957 to1958 . The church is property ofCalvinist Church from1655 . During fire in1833 somefresco es of celestial bodies and animals appeared. The church is built from hewn stones and strengthened with stooks.Typical roman semicircular
apse is vaulted by concha. The apse is continued byaisle . The Roman windows was saved on the church. In1932 the Roman portal was revealed on the south frontlet.The Classicist organ is from1833 . Originally the church was enclosed within a fortress wall of which only a slightly rising entrenchment remained.
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