- The Plantem
The Plantem
The Plantem is a Nimbin street theatre character created by former
Nimbin resident Bob Hopkins, modelled on Lee Falk's Phantom comic book character. The Plantem campaigns against prohibition and joins in the festivities of the NimbinMardiGrass Cannabis Law Reform Rally. [http://farm1.static.flickr.com/48/151127516_6790446a3f_m.jpg]Since Bob vacated the position, the Plantem was portrayed by another local Nimbin fellow John Taylor, also known by the curious name of "Chicken" George. George passed away in December 2007 [ [http://www.nimbinmardigrass.com/Plantem_II.html] Nimbinmardigrass.com Plantem II (retrieved January 14 2008)]
External links
* http://www.nimbinmardigrass.com/Plantem_II.html
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