

Infobox Settlement
image_shield = COA Budaörs.svg
subdivision_type = Country
subdivision_name = HUN


postal_code_type=Postal code

pushpin_label_position =
pushpin_map_caption =Location of Budaörs
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Budaörs is a town in Pest county, Budapest metropolitan area, Hungary. The town has a large German-speaking minority who call it Wudersch. In Croatian, it is called "Jerša, Erša and Vundeš" (names by local Croat minority).


The town lies among the Buda and Csiki hills and the Tétény plateau in the Budaörs-basin.


The first settlements of the area date from 3500 BC. Excavations near the Hosszúrét-creek resulted in findings from the Bronze age (1900 to 800 BC). Before the Romans, the Celtic Eraviscus tribe occupied the area for about 100 years. Several villas have been recovered from the Roman times around Kamaraerdő.

Little is known of the early history of the settlement after the Hungarian conquest. The name originates from the name of one of tha Kabar tribes that joined the Hungarians.

The first written mention of Örs dates from 1236 when Béla IV, king of Hungary donated a church together with the St. Martin chapel to the Cistercians. Under the Turkish occupation during Ottoman rule the area was uninhabited and was resettled by Schwab peasants in the early 18th century by the countess Zsuzsanna Bercsényi.

Since then the town developed rapidly. While at the end of the 18th century only 1143 peasants lived here, in 40 years the number tripled. The World Wars affected the town badly; and after the war it was Budaörs where the Communist government begun forcing ethnic Germans to leave their homes.

Today Budaörs is a town of 26400 inhabitants [Official webpage.] .


External links

* hu icon
* [http://www.terkepcentrum.hu/index.asp?go=map&tid=23278 Street map] hu icon

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