

The Kosika (also known as Kashaka, Patica, Asalato, Kes Kes, Tchangot Tche or [http://www.kashaka.com/more_names.html many other names] ) is a simple Ghanese percussion instrument consisting of two small gourds filled with beans (essentially, two small kinds of maracas) and connected by a string. One gourd is held in the hand and the other is swung from side-to-side around the hand, creating a "clack" upon impact. Kosika can consist of gourds or high-impact plastic filled with hard plastic beads.

The Kosikas are said to improve your sense of rhythm, ambidexterity and eye-hand coordination, as playing the Kosika is essentially a form of juggling. Kosikas are also thought to relax, stretch and strengthen the wrists, forearms and shoulders, and can be seen as a tension-release activity, and they are the more versatile shaker percussion instruments.

Kosika in West Africa

The Kosika has evolved from West Africa and is known by many names. Its uses among the various countries/areas of Africa vary as well. Although it is mainly thought of as a percussive instrument, in Ghana it is a children's toy, where children will play the Kosika during their free time for entertainment. In Mali, only women and girls play the Kosika, to entertain younger children. In Cameroon, whenever villagers gather to meet with the chief, they all pull out their Kosikas and begin shaking them as soon as the chief enters the room.

ee also

* Music of Africa
* Percussion instruments

External links

* [http://www.kosika.com/index.html Kosika.com] - Lessons on Kosika, and Kosika retailer
* [http://www.kashaka.com/home.html Kashaka.com] - Kosika lessons, information and videos
* [http://www.patica.com Patica.com] - Information, retailer and lessons
* [http://www.baalabaajo.com BaalaBaajo.com] - Asalato retailer (currently under construction)
* [http://kashakaman.blogspot.com/ Kashakaman.BlogSpot.com] - A blog on Kashakas

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