C0299 RNA

C0299 RNA

This family consists of a group of "Shigella flexneri" and "Escherichia coli" RNA genes which are 78 bases in length and are found between the hlyE and umuD genes. The function of this RNA is unknown.


* [1] cite journal | last = Tjaden | first = B | coauthors = Saxena RM, Stolyar S, Haynor DR, Kolker E, Rosenow C | year = 2002 | title = Transcriptome analysis of Escherichia coli using high-density oligonucleotide probe arrays | journal = Nucleic Acids Res | volume = 30 | pages = 3732–3738 | pmid = 12202758 | doi = 10.1093/nar/gkf505

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