Kronobergs regemente

Kronobergs regemente

Infobox Military Unit
unit_name= Kronobergs regemente
(I 11, I 11/Fo 16)

dates= 1623–1997
country= Sweden
branch= Swedish Army
type= Infantry
size= Regiment
motto= None
colors= Red and yellow
colors_label= Colours
march= "Admiral Stosch" (ca 1880–1997)
battle_honours= Breitenfeld (1631), Lützen (1632), Wittstock (1636), Landskrona (1677), Kliszow (1702), Warszawa (1705), Fraustadt (1706), Holovczyn (1708), Helsingborg (1710), Valkeala (1790)

Kronobergs regemente (Kronoberg Regiment), designations I 11 and I 11/Fo 16, was a Swedish Army infantry regiment that traced its origins back to the 16th century. It was disbanded in 1997. The regiment's soldiers were originally recruited from Kronoberg County, and it was later garrisoned there.


The regiment has its origins in fänikor (companies) raised in Kronoberg County in the 16th century. In 1616, these units—along with fänikor from the nearby Kalmar County—were organised by Gustav II Adolf into Smålands storregemente, of which twelve of the total 24 companies were recruited in Kronoberg County. Smålands storregemente consisted of three field regiments, of which Kronobergs regemente was one. Sometime around 1623, the grand regiment was permanently split into three smaller regiments, of which Kronobergs regemente was one.

Kronobergs regemente was one of the original 20 Swedish infantry regiments mentioned in the Swedish constitution of 1634, although it was mentioned as one of two regiments that should merge to form Smålands regemente, but that regiment was never formed and instead Kronobergs regemente and Jönköpings regemente were kept separate. The regiment's first commander was Patrick Ruthwen. The regiment was allotted in 1684. The regiment was given the designation I 11 (11th Infantry Regiment) in a general order in 1816.

Kronobergs regemente was garrisoned in Växjö from 1920. In 1974, the regiment gained the new designation I 11/Fo 16 as a consequence of a merge with the local defence area Fo 16. The regiment was disbanded in 1997.


*The War against Sigismund (1598–1599)Participated as the various fänikor that later formed the regiment.]
*The Polish War (1600–1629)
*The Thirty Years' War (1630–1648)
*The Torstenson War (1643–1645)
*The Northern Wars (1655–1661)
*The Scanian War (1674–1679)
*The Great Northern War (1700–1721)
*The Seven Years' War (1757–1762)
*The Gustav III's Russian War (1788–1790)
*The First War against Napoleon (1805–1810)
*The Finnish War (1808–1809)
*The Second War against Napoleon (1813–1814)


*Överstelöjtnantens kompani
*Majorens kompani
*Albo kompani
*Norra Sunnerbo kompani
*Norrvidinge kompani
*Kinnevalds kompani
*Södra Sunnerbo kompani;18??
*Skatelövs kompani
*Kinnevalds kompani
*Norrvidinge kompani
*Ljungby kompani
*Södra Sunnerbo kompani
*Albo kompani
*Norra Sunnerbo kompani

Name, designation and garrison

See also

*List of Swedish regiments
*Provinces of Sweden


*cite book |last=Braunstein |first=Christian |title=Sveriges arméförband under 1900-talet |year=2003 |publisher=Statens Försvarshistoriska Museer |location=Stockholm |id=ISBN 91-971584-4-5
*cite book |last=Holmberg |first=Björn |title=Arméns regementen, skolor och staber: en sammanställning |year=1993 |publisher=Svenskt militärhistoriskt bibliotek |location=Arvidsjaur |id=ISBN 91-972209-0-6
*cite book |last=Kjellander |first=Rune |title=Sveriges regementschefer 1700-2000: chefsbiografier och förbandsöversikter |year=2003 |publisher=Probus |location=Stockholm |id=ISBN 91-87184-74-5
*cite book |last=Nelsson |first=Bertil |title=Från Brunkeberg till Nordanvind: 500 år med svenskt infanteri |year=1993 |publisher=Probus |location=Stockholm |id=ISBN 91-87184-23-0
*cite book |title=Svensk rikskalender 1908 |url= |year=1908 |publisher=P.A. Norstedt & Söner |location=Stockholm

*cite web |last=Holmén |first=Pelle |coauthors=Sjöberg, Jan |url= |title=Swedish Armed Forces 1900-2000 |accessdate=2007-08-20 |year=2007
*cite web |last=Högman |first=Hans |url= |title=Militaria - Svensk militärhistoria |accessdate=2007-08-20 |year=2007
*cite web |last=Persson |first=Mats |url= |title=Swedish Army Regiments |accessdate=2007-08-20 |year=1998
*cite web |last=Sharman |first=Ken |url= |title=Swedish military administrative division as per 1629 |accessdate=2007-08-20 |year=2000


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