Bean an tí

Bean an tí

In the Republic of Ireland a "Bean an Tí" (IPAEng|bɶn ɑn ti:), plural "Mna Tí", is a landlady taking in students who wish to learn Irish in a family setting. =Origin=

The term means "woman of the house" in Irish. It is said that up until the 1950s on St. Brigid's day the "Bean an Tí" would pass the Brigid's cross around her body three times in front of the house. She would then encircle the house three times. Then the cross would be welcomed into the front door by the family and hung over the kitchen door, becoming the heart of the house.

Importance in regional economy

When Irish students spend time in the "Gaeltacht" regions of the country to practise speaking Irish they traditionally stay in a home presided over by a "Bean an Tí" who takes care of them, providing meals and shelter and often emotional support. The "Bean an Tí" and her family try to speak as much Irish to the students as possible so that the students are fully immersed in the language at home as well as during the day. Without the money that the students bring into these homes for nine weeks each summer] , the families of the "Gaeltacht" would suffer economically. On 17 September 2000 it was reported in "The Sunday Mirror" that Irish college sources said a small number of "Mna Tí" were at that time accommodating up to 30 students and could be raking in almost £30,000 a year during peak holiday periods.

On 20 February 2003, Fine Gael "Gaeltacht" spokesperson Fergus O'Dowd gave a speech on the Finance Bill in Dáil Éireann calling for a reduction in the tax increases that "Mna Tí" faced at the time. He said that "Mna Ti" were the heroes and protectors of the Irish language and culture and that without them the Irish language and heritage would die out.

In December 2003 it was confirmed that "Na Mná Tí" would be given total tax exemption under the Irish Language Learners’ Scheme. Under this scheme there is also a grant paid by the Department to "Gaeltacht" households that accommodate Irish language learners, which plays a huge role in the economic life of the "Gaeltacht" and is worth millions to the local economy.

In March 2007, Sinn Féin councillor Pearse Doherty called for an urgent government response to the withdrawal of recognition from Colaiste an Phiarsaigh (Pearse College), the Irish language summer college in Gaoth Dobhair (Gweedore ). He was concerned about the impact on the economic well-being and cultural life of the region and in particular with the future financial welfare of "Mna Tí". For 21 years, the "Colaiste" (college) was made possible by the hard work of local "Mna Tí", with around 30 local homes hosting students each summer. The decision to withdraw funding from the college could cost the area up to €1.5m in lost revenue.


*Kay Kevlihan, "Mna tí - unsung heroes of Irish revival", "Irish Farmers Journal Interactive", 7 August 2004, []

*"Fine Gael News". Speech by Fergus O'Dowd TD 20 February 2003, on the Finance Bill in Dáil Éireann (in Irish Gaelic with English synopsis) []

*"County Donegal on the Net News", Vol.8 No.3 March 2007, []

*"Gweedore area set to lose E1.5m", "Donegal Post", []

*Andrew Bushe, "Gaeltach in uproar over tax demands", "Sunday Mirror", 17 September 2000 []

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