- Camillian Hospital
"Camillian Hospital" (called also "San Camillo Hospital") - small private hospital in
Bangkok (Thailand ), founded bycatholic missionaries -camillians in 1956 (earlier in 1952camillians established another "San Camillo Hospital" in Ratchaburi Province [ [http://www.camillus.or.th/organization.html Saint Camillus Foundation Page] ] ). The hospital is located inWatthana district and has general practice and special care facilities.The hospital is operated by
Saint Camillus Foundation of Thailand and has charity programs to treat poor and low income patients. [cite web | title = Thailand:Health. Hospitals and Rehabilitation Centers | work = Philanthrophy and the Third Sector in Asia Pacific | url = http://www.asianphilanthropy.org/countries/thailand/health.html | access date = 2007-05-22]Camillian hospital employees took active part in overcoming of the 2004
tsunami damage in Thailand setting up mobile clinics for the disaster survivors. [cite web | title = Les Camilliens aident les victimes du désastre en Thaïlande | work = Camillian Task Force | url = http://www.ctfmercy.org/French_News_Room.htm | access date = 2007-05-22]References
External links
* [http://www.camillian.org Official page of Camillian Hospital] , Thai
* [http://www.camillus.or.th/news-activities.html Saint Camillus Foundation of Thailand]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.