Qualifying Heat

Qualifying Heat

Infobox Album
Name = Qualifying Heat
Type = studio
Artist = Thelma Houston

Released = 1984
Recorded = 1983-1984
Genre = Urban, Contemporary R&B, Quiet Storm, Dance-pop
Length =
Label = MCA Records
Producer = Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis, Glen Ballard, Monte Moir
Reviews =
Last album = Thelma Houston (1983)
This album = Qualifying Heat
Next album = Throw You Down

"Qualifying Heat" is the 13th album by Thelma Houston. While the back failed to make much impact in the Pop market, the album became a success in both the Urban and Club/Dance music markets. Includes the hits "You Used To Hold Me So Tight", "(I Guess) It Must Be Love" and "I'd Rather Spend The Bad Times With You Than The Good Times With Someone New." This album has yet to be reissued to CD domestically. On August 20, 2007, this album was reissued as an import title including a bonus track titled, "Standing In The Light

" (from her 1983 album).

Track listing

* 1. "(I Guess) It Must Be Love"
* 2. "You Used To Hold Me So Tight"
* 3. "Fantasy and Heartbreak"
* 4. "I'd Rather Spend The Bad Times With You Than The Good Times With Someone New"
* 5. "Shake You"
* 6. "Generate Love"
* 7. "Love Is A Dangerous Game"
* 8. "What A Woman Feels Inside"
* 9. "Standing In The Light" (Bonus track)

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