List of mammals of Afghanistan

List of mammals of Afghanistan

This is a list of the mammal species recorded in Afghanistan. There are 128 mammal species in Afghanistan, of which 0 are critically endangered, 4 are endangered, 12 are vulnerable, and 5 are near-threatened. [This list is derived from the IUCN Red List which lists species of mammals and includes those mammals that have recently been classified as extinct (since 1500 AD). The taxonomy and naming of the individual species is based on those used in existing Wikipedia articles as of 21 May 2007 and supplemented by the common names and taxonomy from the IUCN, Smithsonian Institute, or University of Michigan where no Wikipedia article was available.]

The following tags are used to highlight each species' conservation status as assessed by the IUCN:

Some species were assessed using an earlier set of criteria. Species assessed using this system have the following instead of Near Threatened and Least Concern categories:

ubclass: Theria

Infraclass: Eutheria

Order: Primates

----The order Primates contains all the species commonly related to the lemurs, monkeys, and apes, with the latter category including humans. It is divided informally into three main groupings: prosimians, monkeys of the New World, and monkeys and apes of the Old World.

*Suborder: Haplorrhini
**Infraorder: Simiiformes
***Parvorder: Catarrhini
****Superfamily: Cercopithecoidea
*****Family: Cercopithecidae (Old World monkeys)
*******Genus: "Macaca"
******** Rhesus Macaque "Macaca mulatta" LR/nt

Order: Rodentia (rodents)

----Rodents make up the largest order of mammals, with over 40 percent of mammalian species. They have two incisors in the upper and lower jaw which grow continually and must be kept short by gnawing. Most rodents are small though the capybara can weigh up to 45 kg (100 lb).

*Suborder: Sciurognathi
**Family: Sciuridae (squirrels)
***Subfamily: Sciurinae
****Tribe: Pteromyini
*****Genus: "Hylopetes"
****** Afghan Flying Squirrel "Hylopetes baberi" LR/nt
*****Genus: "Petaurista"
****** Red Giant Flying Squirrel "Petaurista petaurista" LR/lc
***Subfamily: Callosciurinae
****Genus: "Funambulus"
***** Northern Palm Squirrel "Funambulus pennantii" LR/lc
***Subfamily: Xerinae
****Tribe: Xerini
*****Genus: "Spermophilopsis"
****** Long-clawed Ground Squirrel "Spermophilopsis leptodactylus" LR/lc
****Tribe: Marmotini
*****Genus: "Marmota"
****** Long-tailed Marmot "Marmota caudata" LR/nt
*****Genus: "Spermophilus"
****** Yellow Ground Squirrel "Spermophilus fulvus" LR/lc
**Family: Gliridae (dormice)
***Subfamily: Leithiinae
****Genus: "Dryomys"
***** Forest dormouse "Dryomys nitedula" LR/nt
**Family: Dipodidae (jerboas)
***Subfamily: Allactaginae
****Genus: "Allactaga"
***** Small Five-toed Jerboa "Allactaga elater" LR/lc
***** Euphrates Jerboa "Allactaga euphratica" LR/nt
***** Hotson's Jerboa "Allactaga hotsoni" LR/lc
***Subfamily: Cardiocraniinae
****Genus: "Salpingotus"
***** Thomas's Pygmy Jerboa "Salpingotus thomasi" DD
***Subfamily: Dipodinae
****Genus: "Jaculus"
***** Blanford's Jerboa "Jaculus blanfordi" LR/lc
**Family: Calomyscidae
***Genus: "Calomyscus"
**** Baluchi Mouse-like Hamster "Calomyscus baluchi" LR/lc
**** Afghan Mouse-like Hamster "Calomyscus mystax" LR/nt
**Family: Cricetidae
***Subfamily: Cricetinae
****Genus: "Cricetulus"
***** Gray Dwarf Hamster "Cricetulus migratorius" LR/nt
***Subfamily: Arvicolinae
****Genus: "Alticola"
***** Silver Mountain Vole "Alticola argentatus" LR/lc
****Genus: "Blanfordimys"
***** Afghan Vole "Blanfordimys afghanus" LR/lc
***** Bucharian Vole "Blanfordimys bucharicus" LR/nt
****Genus: "Ellobius"
***** Southern Mole Vole "Ellobius fuscocapillus" LR/lc
****Genus: "Microtus"
***** Juniper Vole "Microtus juldaschi" LR/lc
***** Tien Shan Vole "Microtus kirgisorum" LR/lc
***** Transcaspian Vole "Microtus transcaspicus" LR/lc
**Family: Muridae (mice, rats, voles, gerbils, hamsters, etc.)
***Subfamily: Gerbillinae
****Genus: "Gerbillus"
***** Swarthy Gerbil "Gerbillus aquilus" LR/lc
***** "Gerbillus nanus" LC
****Genus: "Meriones"
***** Sundevall's Jird "Meriones crassus" LC
***** Libyan Jird "Meriones libycus" LC
***** Mid-day Jird "Meriones meridianus" LR/lc
***** Persian Jird "Meriones persicus" LR/lc
***** Zarundny's Jird "Meriones zarudnyi" EN
****Genus: "Rhombomys"
***** Great Gerbil "Rhombomys opimus" LR/lc
****Genus: "Tatera"
***** Indian Gerbil "Tatera indica" LR/lc
***Subfamily: Murinae
****Genus: "Apodemus"
***** Ward's Field Mouse "Apodemus wardi" LR/lc
****Genus: "Millardia"
***** Sand-colored Soft-furred Rat "Millardia gleadowi" LR/lc
****Genus: "Nesokia"
***** Short-tailed Bandicoot Rat "Nesokia indica" LC
****Genus: "Rattus"
***** Tanezumi Rat "Rattus tanezumi" LR/lc
***** Turkestan Rat "Rattus turkestanicus" LR/lc

Order: Lagomorpha (lagomorphs)

----The lagomorphs comprise two families, Leporidae (hares and rabbits), and Ochotonidae (pikas). Though they can resemble rodents, and were classified as a superfamily in that order until the early twentieth century, they have since been considered a separate order. They differ from rodents in a number of physical characteristics, such as having four incisors in the upper jaw rather than two.

*Family: Ochotonidae (pikas)
**Genus: "Ochotona"
*** Large-eared Pika "Ochotona macrotis" LR/lc
*** Afghan Pika "Ochotona rufescens" LR/lc
*** Turkestan Red Pika "Ochotona rutila" LR/lc

Order: Erinaceomorpha (hedgehogs and gymnures)

----The order Erinaceomorpha contains a single family, Erinaceidae, which comprise the hedgehogs and gymnures. The hedgehogs are easily recognised by their spines while gymnures look more like large rats.

*Family: Erinaceidae (hedgehogs)
**Subfamily: Erinaceinae
***Genus: "Hemiechinus"
**** Long-eared Hedgehog "Hemiechinus auritus" LR/lc
**** Brandt's Hedgehog "Hemiechinus hypomelas" LR/lc

Order: Soricomorpha (shrews, moles, and soledons)

----The "shrew-forms" are insectivorous mammals. The shrews and soledons closely resemble mice while the moles are stout bodied burrowers.

*Family: Soricidae (shrews)
**Subfamily: Crocidurinae
***Genus: "Crocidura"
**** Gmelin's White-toothed Shrew "Crocidura gmelini" LR/lc
**** Taiga Shrew "Crocidura pullata" LR/lc
**** Lesser White-toothed Shrew "Crocidura suaveolens" LR/lc
**** Zarudny's Shrew "Crocidura zarudnyi" LR/lc
***Genus: "Suncus"
**** Etruscan Shrew "Suncus etruscus" LC
**** Asian House Shrew "Suncus murinus" LR/lc
**Subfamily: Soricinae
***Tribe: Soricini
****Genus: "Sorex"
***** Eurasian Pygmy Shrew "Sorex minutus" LR/lc

Order: Chiroptera (bats)

----The bats' most distinguishing feature is that their forelimbs are developed as wings, making them the only mammals in the world naturally capable of flight. Bat species account for about 20% of all mammals.

*Family: Vespertilionidae
**Subfamily: Myotinae
***Genus: "Myotis"
**** Lesser Mouse-eared Bat "Myotis blythii" LR/lc
**** Geoffroy's Bat "Myotis emarginatus" VU
**** Hodgson's Bat "Myotis formosus" LR/lc
**** Fraternal Myotis "Myotis frater" LR/nt
**** Kashmir Cave Bat "Myotis longipes" VU
**** Whiskered Myotis "Myotis muricola" LR/lc
**** Whiskered bat "Myotis mystacinus" LR/lc
**Subfamily: Vespertilioninae
***Genus: "Barbastella"
**** Eastern Barbastelle "Barbastella leucomelas" LR/lc
***Genus: "Eptesicus"
**** Botta's Serotine "Eptesicus bottae" LC
**** Gobi Big Brown Bat "Eptesicus gobiensis" LR/lc
**** Sind Bat "Eptesicus nasutus" VU
**** Serotine bat "Eptesicus serotinus" LR/lc
***Genus: "Hypsugo"
**** Savi's Pipistrelle "Hypsugo savii" LR/lc
***Genus: "Nyctalus"
**** Lesser Noctule "Nyctalus leisleri" LR/nt
**** Mountain Noctule "Nyctalus montanus" LR/nt
***Genus: "Otonycteris"
**** Desert Long-eared Bat "Otonycteris hemprichii" LR/lc
***Genus: "Pipistrellus"
**** Indian Pipistrelle "Pipistrellus coromandra" LR/lc
**** Java Pipistrelle "Pipistrellus javanicus" LR/lc
**** Kuhl's Pipistrelle "Pipistrellus kuhlii" LC
**** Common Pipistrelle "Pipistrellus pipistrellus" LC
**** Least Pipistrelle "Pipistrellus tenuis" LR/lc
***Genus: "Plecotus"
**** Grey long-eared bat "Plecotus austriacus" LR/lc
***Genus: "Scotophilus"
**** Greater Asiatic Yellow Bat "Scotophilus heathi" LR/lc
***Genus: "Vespertilio"
**** Parti-coloured bat "Vespertilio murinus" LR/lc
**Subfamily: Miniopterinae
***Genus: "Miniopterus"
**** Schreiber's Long-fingered Bat "Miniopterus schreibersii" LC
*Family: Rhinopomatidae
**Genus: "Rhinopoma"
*** Lesser Mouse-tailed Bat "Rhinopoma hardwickei" LC
*** Small Mouse-tailed Bat "Rhinopoma muscatellum" LR/lc
*Family: Molossidae
**Genus: "Tadarida"
*** European Free-tailed Bat "Tadarida teniotis" LR/lc
*Family: Megadermatidae
**Genus: "Megaderma"
*** "Megaderma lyra" LR/lc
*Family: Rhinolophidae
**Subfamily: Rhinolophinae
***Genus: "Rhinolophus"
**** Blasius's Horseshoe Bat "Rhinolophus blasii" NT
**** Bokhara Horseshoe Bat "Rhinolophus bocharicus" LR/lc
**** Greater Horseshoe Bat "Rhinolophus ferrumequinum" LR/nt
**** Lesser horseshoe bat "Rhinolophus hipposideros" LC
**** Blyth's Horseshoe Bat "Rhinolophus lepidus" LR/lc
**** Mehely's Horseshoe Bat "Rhinolophus mehelyi" VU
**Subfamily: Hipposiderinae
***Genus: "Asellia"
**** Trident Leaf-nosed Bat "Asellia tridens" LC
***Genus: "Hipposideros"
**** Fulvus Roundleaf Bat "Hipposideros fulvus" LR/lc

Order: Carnivora (carnivores)

----The carnivores include over 260 species, the majority of which eat meat as their primary dietary item. Carnivores have a characteristic skull shape and dentition.

*Suborder: Feliformia
**Family: Felidae (cats)
***Subfamily: Felinae
****Genus: "Acinonyx"
***** Cheetah "Acinonyx jubatus" VU
****Genus: "Caracal"
***** Caracal "Caracal caracal" LC
****Genus: "Felis"
***** Jungle Cat "Felis chaus" LC
***** Sand Cat "Felis margarita" NT
***** Wildcat "Felis silvestris" LC
***** Pallas's Cat "Felis manul" NT
****Genus: "Lynx"
***** Eurasian Lynx "Lynx lynx" NT
****Genus: "Prionailurus"
***** Leopard Cat "Prionailurus bengalensis" LC
***Subfamily: Pantherinae
****Genus: "Panthera"
***** Lion "Panthera leo" VU
***** Leopard "Panthera pardus" LC
***** Tiger "Panthera tigris" EN
****Genus: "Uncia"
***** Snow leopard "Uncia uncia" EN
**Family: Viverridae (civets, mongooses, etc.)
***Subfamily: Paradoxurinae
****Genus: "Paguma"
***** Masked Palm Civet "Paguma larvata" LR/lc
***Subfamily: Viverrinae
****Genus: "Viverricula"
***** Small Indian Civet "Viverricula indica" LR/lc
**Family: Herpestidae (mongooses)
***Genus: "Herpestes"
**** Indian Gray Mongoose "Herpestes edwardsii" LR/lc
**** Small Asian Mongoose "Herpestes javanicus" LR/lc
**Family: Hyaenidae (hyaenas)
***Genus: "Hyaena"
**** Striped Hyena "Hyaena hyaena" LR/nt
*Suborder: Caniformia
**Family: Canidae (dogs, foxes)
***Genus: "Vulpes"
**** Blanford's fox "Vulpes cana" VU
**** Corsac Fox "Vulpes corsac" LC
**** Rueppell's Fox "Vulpes rueppelli" DD
**** Red Fox "Vulpes vulpes" LC
***Genus: "Canis"
**** Golden Jackal "Canis aureus" LC
**** Gray Wolf "Canis lupus" LC
**Family: Ursidae (bears)
***Genus: "Ursus"
**** Brown Bear "Ursus arctos" LR/lc
**** Asiatic Black Bear "Ursus thibetanus" VU
**Family: Mustelidae (mustelids)
***Genus: "Mustela"
**** Stoat "Mustela erminea" LR/lc
**** Least Weasel "Mustela nivalis" LR/lc
***Genus: "Vormela"
**** Marbled Polecat "Vormela peregusna" LR/lc
***Genus: "Martes"
**** Beech Marten "Martes foina" LR/lc
***Genus: "Mellivora"
**** Ratel "Mellivora capensis" LR/lc
***Genus: "Lutra"
**** European Otter "Lutra lutra" NT

Order: Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates)

----The even-toed ungulates are ungulates whose weight is borne about equally by the third and fourth toes, rather than mostly or entirely by the third as in perissodactyls. There are about 220 artiodactyl species, including many that are of great economic importance to humans.

*Family: Suidae (pigs)
**Subfamily: Suinae
***Genus: "Sus"
**** Boar "Sus scrofa" LR/lc
*Family: Moschidae
**Genus: "Moschus"
*** Himalayan Musk Deer "Moschus chrysogaster" LR/nt
*Family: Cervidae (deer)
**Subfamily: Cervinae
***Genus: "Cervus"
**** Central Asian Red Deer "Cervus affinis" LR/lc
*Family: Bovidae (cattle, antelope, sheep, goats)
**Subfamily: Antilopinae
***Genus: "Gazella"
**** Chinkara "Gazella bennettii" LC
**** Goitered Gazelle "Gazella subgutturosa" VU
**Subfamily: Caprinae
***Genus: "Capra"
**** Wild Goat "Capra aegagrus" VU
**** Markhor "Capra falconeri" EN
**** Siberian Ibex "Capra sibrica" LR/lc
***Genus: "Nemorhaedus"
**** "Nemorhaedus goral" LR/nt
***Genus: "Ovis"
**** Argali "Ovis ammon" VU
**** Mouflon "Ovis orientalis" VU



*cite web
title=The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Mammals of Afghanistan
accessdaymonth = 22 May

*cite web
title=Mammal Species of the World
publisher=Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
accessdaymonth = 22 May

*cite web
title=Animal Diversity Web
publisher=University of Michigan Museum of Zoology
accessdaymonth = 22 May

ee also

*List of chordate orders
*List of regional mammals lists
*List of prehistoric mammals
*Mammal classification
*New mammal species

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