List of mammals in the Philippines

List of mammals in the Philippines

This is a list of the mammal species recorded in the Philippines. There are 191 mammal species in the Philippines, of which 8 are critically endangered, 13 are endangered, 30 are vulnerable, and 1 is near-threatened. 1 of the species listed for the Philippines is considered to be extinct. [This list is derived from the IUCN Red List which lists species of mammals and includes those mammals that have recently been classified as extinct (since 1500 AD). The taxonomy and naming of the individual species is based on those used in existing Wikipedia articles as of 21 May 2007 and supplemented by the common names and taxonomy from the IUCN, Smithsonian Institute, or University of Michigan where no Wikipedia article was available.]

The following tags are used to highlight each species' conservation status as assessed by the IUCN:

Some species were assessed using an earlier set of criteria. Species assessed using this system have the following instead of Near Threatened and Least Concern categories:

ubclass: Theria

Infraclass: Eutheria

Order: Sirenia (manatees and dugongs)

-----Sirenia is an order of fully aquatic, herbivorous mammals that inhabit rivers, estuaries, coastal marine waters, swamps, and marine wetlands. All four species are endangered.

**Family: Dugongidae
****Genus: Dugong
***** Dugong "Dugong dugon" VU

Order: Scandentia (treeshrews)

-----The treeshrews are small mammals native to the tropical forests of Southeast Asia. Although called treeshrews, they are not true shrews and are not all arboreal.

**Family: Tupaiidae (tree shrews)
****Genus: Tupaia
***** Common Treeshrew "Tupaia glis" LR/lc
***** Palawan Tree Shrew "Tupaia palawanensis" VU
****Genus: Urogale
***** Philippine Tree Shrew "Urogale everetti" VU

Order: Dermoptera (colugos)


The two species of colugos make up the order Dermoptera. They are arboreal gliding mammals found in Southeast Asia.

**Family: Cynocephalidae (flying lemurs)
****Genus: Cynocephalus
***** Philippine Flying Lemur "Cynocephalus volans" VU

Order: Primates

-----The order Primates contains all the species commonly related to the lemurs, monkeys, and apes, with the latter category including humans. It is divided informally into three main groupings: prosimians, monkeys of the New World, and monkeys and apes of the Old World.

*Suborder: Strepsirrhini
**Infraorder: Lorisiformes
***Family: Lorisidae (lorises, bushbabies)
*****Genus: Nycticebus
****** Sunda Loris "Nycticebus coucang" LR/lc
*Suborder: Haplorrhini
**Infraorder: Tarsiiformes
***Family: Tarsiidae (tarsiers)
*****Genus: Tarsius
****** Philippine Tarsier "Tarsius syrichta" DD
**Infraorder: Simiiformes
***Parvorder: Catarrhini
****Superfamily: Cercopithecoidea
*****Family: Cercopithecidae (Old World monkeys)
*******Genus: Macaca
******** Crab-eating Macaque "Macaca fascicularis" LR/nt

Order: Rodentia (rodents)

-----Rodents make up the largest order of mammals, with over 40 percent of mammalian species. They have two incisors in the upper and lower jaw which grow continually and must be keep short by gnawing. Most rodents are small though the capybara can weigh up to 45 kg (100 lb).

*Suborder: Hystricognathi
**Family: Hystricidae (Old World porcupines)
****Genus: Hystrix
***** Indonesian Porcupine "Hystrix pumila" LR/lc
*Suborder: Sciurognathi
**Family: Sciuridae (squirrels)
***Subfamily: Sciurinae
****Tribe: Pteromyini
*****Genus: Hylopetes
****** Palawan Flying Squirrel "Hylopetes nigripes" LR/nt
*****Genus: Petinomys
****** Basilan Flying Squirrel "Petinomys crinitus" LR/lc
***Subfamily: Callosciurinae
****Genus: Exilisciurus
***** Philippine Pygmy Squirrel "Exilisciurus concinnus" LR/lc
****Genus: Sundasciurus
***** Davao Squirrel "Sundasciurus davensis" LR/lc
***** Busuanga Squirrel "Sundasciurus hoogstraali" LR/lc
***** Northern Palawan Tree Squirrel "Sundasciurus juvencus" EN
***** Mindanao Squirrel "Sundasciurus mindanensis" LR/lc
***** Culion Tree Squirrel "Sundasciurus moellendorffi" LR/nt
***** Philippine Tree Squirrel "Sundasciurus philippinensis" LR/lc
***** Palawan Montane Squirrel "Sundasciurus rabori" VU
***** Samar Squirrel "Sundasciurus samarensis" VU
***** Southern Palawan Tree Squirrel "Sundasciurus steerii" LR/nt
**Family: Muridae (mice, rats, voles, gerbils, hamsters, etc.)
***Subfamily: Murinae
****Genus: Abditomys
***** Luzon Broad-toothed Rat "Abditomys latidens" LR/lc
****Genus: Anonymomys
***** Mindoro Rat "Anonymomys mindorensis" VU
****Genus: Apomys
***** Luzon Cordillera Forest Mouse "Apomys abrae" LR/lc
***** Luzon Montane Forest Mouse "Apomys datae" LR/lc
***** Large Mindoro Forest Mouse "Apomys gracilirostris" VU
***** Mt. Apo Forest Mouse "Apomys hylocoetes" LR/lc
***** Mindanao Montane Forest Mouse "Apomys insignis" LR/lc
***** Mindanao Lowland Forest Mouse "Apomys littoralis" LR/lc
***** Small Luzon Forest Mouse "Apomys microdon" LR/lc
***** Least Forest Mouse "Apomys musculus" LR/lc
***** Long-nosed Luzon Forest Mouse "Apomys sacobianus" VU
****Genus: Archboldomys
***** Mt Isarog Shrew-mouse "Archboldomys luzonensis" EN
****Genus: Batomys
***** Large-toothed Hairy-tailed Rat "Batomys dentatus" DD
***** Luzon Forest Rat "Batomys granti" LR/lc
***** Mindanao Hairy-tailed Rat "Batomys salomonseni" LR/lc
****Genus: Bullimus
***** Bagobo Rat "Bullimus bagobus" LR/lc
***** Luzon Forest Rat "Bullimus luzonicus" LR/lc
****Genus: Carpomys
***** Short-footed Luzon Tree Rat "Carpomys melanurus" DD
***** White-bellied Luzon Tree Rat "Carpomys phaeurus" DD
****Genus: Celaenomys
***** Blazed Luzon Shrew Rat "Celaenomys silaceus" LR/nt
****Genus: Chiropodomys
***** Palawan Pencil-tailed Tree Mouse "Chiropodomys calamianensis" LR/lc
****Genus: Chrotomys
***** Isarog Striped Shrew-rat "Chrotomys gonzalesi" CR
***** Mindoro Striped Rat "Chrotomys mindorensis" LR/lc
***** Luzon Striped Rat "Chrotomys whiteheadi" VU
****Genus: Crateromys
***** Dinagat Island Cloud Rat "Crateromys australis" EN
***** Panay Cloudrunner "Crateromys heaneyi" EN
***** Ilin Island Cloudrunner "Crateromys paulus" CR
***** Luzon Bushy-tailed Cloud Rat "Crateromys schadenbergi" VU
****Genus: Crunomys
***** Northern Luzon Shrew Rat "Crunomys fallax" CR
***** Mindanao Shrew Rat "Crunomys melanius" LR/lc
****Genus: Haeromys
***** Lesser Ranee Mouse "Haeromys pusillus" VU
****Genus: Limnomys
***** Mindanao Mountain Rat "Limnomys sibuanus" LR/lc
****Genus: Maxomys
***** Palawan Spiny Rat "Maxomys panglima" LR/nt
****Genus: Palawanomys
***** Palawan Soft-furred Mountain Rat "Palawanomys furvus" EN
****Genus: Phloeomys
***** Southern Luzon Giant Cloud Rat "Phloeomys cumingi" VU
***** Northern Luzon Giant Cloud Rat "Phloeomys pallidus" LR/nt
****Genus: Rattus
***** Rice-field rat "Rattus argentiventer" LR/lc
***** Philippine Forest Rat "Rattus everetti" LR/lc
***** Polynesian Rat "Rattus exulans" LR/lc
***** Mindoro Black Rat "Rattus mindorensis" VU
***** Himalayan Field Rat "Rattus nitidus" LR/lc
***** Tawi-tawi Forest Rat "Rattus tawitawiensis" VU
***** Malayan Field Rat "Rattus tiomanicus" LR/lc
****Genus: Rhynchomys
***** Isarog Shrew Rat "Rhynchomys isarogensis" VU
***** Mt. Data Shrew Rat "Rhynchomys soricoides" LR/lc
****Genus: Sundamys
***** Müller's Giant Sunda Rat "Sundamys muelleri" LR/lc
****Genus: Tarsomys
***** Long-footed Rat "Tarsomys apoensis" LR/lc
***** Spiny Long-footed Rat "Tarsomys echinatus" VU
****Genus: Tryphomys
***** Luzon Short-nosed Rat "Tryphomys adustus" VU

Order: Erinaceomorpha (hedgehogs and gymnures)

-----The order Erinaceomorpha contains a single family, Erinaceidae, which comprise the hedgehogs and gymnures. The hedgehogs are easily recognised by their spines while gymnures look more like large rats.

*Family: Erinaceidae (hedgehogs)
**Subfamily: Galericinae
***Genus: Podogymnura
**** Dinagat Moonrat "Podogymnura aureospinula" EN
**** Mindanao Moonrat "Podogymnura truei" EN

Order: Soricomorpha (shrews, moles, and soledons)

-----The "shrew-forms" are insectivorous mmmals. The shrews and soledons closely resemble mice while the moles are stout bodied burrowers.

*Family: Soricidae (shrews)
**Subfamily: Crocidurinae
***Genus: Crocidura
**** Grey Shrew "Crocidura attenuata" LR/lc
**** Mindanao Shrew "Crocidura beatus" VU
**** Mt. Malindang Shrew "Crocidura grandis" EN
**** Luzon Shrew "Crocidura grayi" VU
**** Mindoro Shrew "Crocidura mindorus" EN
**** Negros Shrew "Crocidura negrina" CR
**** Palawan Shrew "Crocidura palawanensis" VU
***Genus: Suncus
**** Asian House Shrew "Suncus murinus" LR/lc

Order: Chiroptera (bats)

-----The bats' most distinguishing feature is that their forelimbs are developed as wings, making them the only mammals in the world naturally capable of flight. Bat species account for about 20% of all mammals.

*Family: Pteropodidae (flying foxes, Old World fruit bats)
**Subfamily: Pteropodinae
***Genus: Acerodon
**** Giant golden-crowned flying fox "Acerodon jubatus" EN
**** Palawan Fruit Bat "Acerodon leucotis" VU
**** Panay Giant Fruit Bat "Acerodon lucifer" EX
***Genus: Alionycteris
**** Mindanao Pygmy Fruit Bat "Alionycteris paucidentata" VU
***Genus: Cynopterus
**** Cynopterus "Cynopterus brachyotis" LR/lc
***Genus: Dobsonia
**** Philippine bare-backed fruit bat "Dobsonia chapmani" CR
***Genus: Dyacopterus
**** Dayak Fruit Bat "Dyacopterus spadiceus" LR/nt
***Genus: Haplonycteris
**** Philippine Pygmy Fruit Bat "Haplonycteris fischeri" VU
***Genus: Harpyionycteris
**** Harpy Fruit Bat "Harpyionycteris whiteheadi" LR/lc
***Genus: Megaerops
**** "Megaerops wetmorei" LR/lc
***Genus: Nyctimene
**** Philippine Tube-nosed Fruit Bat "Nyctimene rabori" CR
***Genus: Otopteropus
**** Luzon Fruit Bat "Otopteropus cartilagonodus" VU
***Genus: Ptenochirus
**** Greater Musky Fruit Bat "Ptenochirus jagori" LR/lc
**** Lesser Musky Fruit Bat "Ptenochirus minor" LR/lc
***Genus: Pteropus
**** Gray Flying-fox "Pteropus griseus" LR/lc
**** Small Flying-fox "Pteropus hypomelanus" LR/lc
**** White-winged Flying Fox "Pteropus leucopterus" EN
**** Mearns's Flying Fox "Pteropus mearnsi" DD
**** Little Golden-mantled Flying Fox "Pteropus pumilus" VU
**** Philippine Gray Flying Fox "Pteropus speciosus" VU
**** Pteropus "Pteropus vampyrus" LR/lc
***Genus: Rousettus
**** Geoffroy's Rousette "Rousettus amplexicaudatus" LR/lc
***Genus: Thoopterus
**** Swift Fruit Bat "Thoopterus nigrescens" LR/nt
**Subfamily: Macroglossinae
***Genus: Eonycteris
**** Greater Dawn Bat "Eonycteris major" LR/lc
**** Lesser Dawn Bat "Eonycteris spelaea" LR/lc
***Genus: Macroglossus
**** "Macroglossus minimus" LR/lc
*Family: Vespertilionidae
**Subfamily: Kerivoulinae
***Genus: Kerivoula
**** Hardwicke's Woolly Bat "Kerivoula hardwickii" LR/lc
**** Clear-winged Woolly Bat "Kerivoula pellucida" LR/lc
**** Whitehead's Woolly Bat "Kerivoula whiteheadi" LR/lc
***Genus: Phoniscus
**** Peter's Trumpet-eared Bat "Phoniscus jagorii" LR/lc
**Subfamily: Myotinae
***Genus: Myotis
**** Peters's Myotis "Myotis atra" LR/lc
**** Hodgson's Bat "Myotis formosus" LR/lc
**** Horsfield's Bat "Myotis horsfieldii" LR/lc
**** Pallid Large-footed Myotis "Myotis macrotarsus" LR/nt
**** Whiskered Myotis "Myotis muricola" LR/lc
**Subfamily: Vespertilioninae
***Genus: Falsistrellus
**** Pungent Pipistrelle "Falsistrellus mordax" LR/nt
**** Peters's Pipistrelle "Falsistrellus petersi" LR/lc
***Genus: Glischropus
**** Common Thick-thumbed Bat "Glischropus tylopus" LR/lc
***Genus: Philetor
**** Rohu's Bat "Philetor brachypterus" LR/lc
***Genus: Pipistrellus
**** Java Pipistrelle "Pipistrellus javanicus" LR/lc
**** Least Pipistrelle "Pipistrellus tenuis" LR/lc
***Genus: Scotophilus
**** Greater Asiatic Yellow Bat "Scotophilus heathi" LR/lc
**** Lesser Asiatic Yellow Bat "Scotophilus kuhlii" LR/lc
***Genus: Tylonycteris
**** Lesser Bamboo Bat "Tylonycteris pachypus" LR/lc
**** Greater Bamboo Bat "Tylonycteris robustula" LR/lc
**Subfamily: Murininae
***Genus: Harpiocephalus
**** Hairy-winged Bat "Harpiocephalus harpia" LR/lc
***Genus: Murina
**** "Murina cyclotis" LR/lc
**Subfamily: Miniopterinae
***Genus: Miniopterus
**** Little Long-fingered Bat "Miniopterus australis" LR/lc
**** Intermediate Long-fingered Bat "Miniopterus medius" LR/lc
**** Small Bent-winged Bat "Miniopterus pusillus" LR/lc
**** Schreiber's Long-fingered Bat "Miniopterus schreibersii" LC
**** Great Bent-winged Bat "Miniopterus tristis" LR/lc
*Family: Molossidae
**Genus: Chaerephon
*** Wrinkle-lipped Free-tailed Bat "Chaerephon plicata" LR/lc
**Genus: Cheiromeles
*** "Cheiromeles parvidens" LR/nt
*** Hairless Bat "Cheiromeles torquatus" LR/nt
**Genus: Mops
*** Sulawesi Free-tailed Bat "Mops sarasinorum" LR/nt
*Family: Emballonuridae
**Genus: Emballonura
*** Small Asian Sheath-tailed Bat "Emballonura alecto" LR/lc
**Genus: Saccolaimus
*** Naked-rumped Pouched Bat "Saccolaimus saccolaimus" LR/lc
**Genus: Taphozous
*** Black-bearded Tomb Bat "Taphozous melanopogon" LR/lc
*Family: Megadermatidae
**Genus: Megaderma
*** Lesser False Vampire Bat "Megaderma spasma" LR/lc
*Family: Rhinolophidae
**Subfamily: Rhinolophinae
***Genus: Rhinolophus
**** Acuminate Horseshoe Bat "Rhinolophus acuminatus" LR/lc
**** Andersen's Horseshoe Bat "Rhinolophus anderseni" DD
**** Arcuate Horseshoe Bat "Rhinolophus arcuatus" LR/lc
**** Philippine Forest Horseshoe Bat "Rhinolophus inops" DD
**** Big-eared Horseshoe Bat "Rhinolophus macrotis" LR/lc
**** Large-eared Horseshoe Bat "Rhinolophus philippinensis" LR/nt
**** Large Rufous Horseshoe Bat "Rhinolophus rufus" LR/nt
**** Small Rufous Horseshoe Bat "Rhinolophus subrufus" VU
**** Yellow-faced Horseshoe Bat "Rhinolophus virgo" LR/nt
**Subfamily: Hipposiderinae
***Genus: Coelops
**** Philippine Tailless Leaf-nosed Bat "Coelops hirsutus" DD
***Genus: Hipposideros
**** Dusky Roundleaf Bat "Hipposideros ater" LR/lc
**** Bicolored Roundleaf Bat "Hipposideros bicolor" LR/lc
**** Fawn Roundleaf Bat "Hipposideros cervinus" LR/lc
**** Large Mindanao Roundleaf Bat "Hipposideros coronatus" LR/nt
**** Diadem Roundleaf Bat "Hipposideros diadema" LR/lc
**** Large Asian Roundleaf Bat "Hipposideros lekaguli" LR/nt
**** Philippine Forest Roundleaf Bat "Hipposideros obscurus" LR/nt
**** Philippine Pygmy Roundleaf Bat "Hipposideros pygmaeus" LR/nt

Order: Pholidota (pangolins)

-----The order Philodota comprises the eight species of pangolin. Pangolins are anteaters and have the powerful claws, elongated snout and long tongue seen in the other unrelated anteater species.

*Family: Manidae
**Genus: Manis
*** Sunda Pangolin "Manis javanica" LR/nt

Order: Cetacea (whales)


The order Cetacea includes whales, dolphins and porpoises. They are the mammals most fully adapted to aquatic life with a spindle-shaped nearly hairless body, protected by a thick layer of blubber, and forelimbs and tail modified to provide propulsion underwater.

*Suborder: Odontoceti
**Superfamily: Platanistoidea
***Family: Phocoenidae
****Genus: Neophocaena
***** Finless Porpoise "Neophocaena phocaenoides" DD
***Family: Kogiidae
****Genus: Kogia
***** Pygmy Sperm Whale "Kogia breviceps" LR/lc
***** Dwarf Sperm Whale "Kogia sima" LR/lc
***Family: Ziphidae
****Subfamily: Hyperoodontidae
*****Genus: Mesoplodon
****** Blainville's Beaked Whale "Mesoplodon densirostris" DD
****** Ginkgo-toothed Beaked Whale "Mesoplodon ginkgodens" DD
***Family: Delphinidae (marine dolphins)
****Genus: Steno
***** Rough-toothed Dolphin "Steno bredanensis" DD
****Genus: Sousa
***** "Sousa chinensis" DD
****Genus: Tursiops
***** Bottlenose Dolphin "Tursiops aduncus" DD
****Genus: Stenella
***** Pantropical Spotted Dolphin "Stenella attenuata" LR/cd
***** Spinner Dolphin "Stenella longirostris" LR/cd
****Genus: Lagenodelphis
***** Fraser's Dolphin "Lagenodelphis hosei" DD
****Genus: Grampus
***** Risso's Dolphin "Grampus griseus" DD
****Genus: Peponocephala
***** Melon-headed Whale "Peponocephala electra" LR/lc
****Genus: Feresa
***** Pygmy Killer Whale "Feresa attenuata" DD
****Genus: Orcaella
***** Irrawaddy Dolphin "Orcaella brevirostris" DD

Order: Carnivora (carnivores)

-----The carnivores include over 260 species, the majority of which eat meat as their primary dietary item. Carnivores have a characteristic skull shape and dentition.

*Suborder: Feliformia
**Family: Felidae (cats)
***Subfamily: Felinae
****Genus: Prionailurus
***** Leopard Cat "Prionailurus bengalensis" LC
**Family: Viverridae (civets, mongooses, etc.)
***Subfamily: Paradoxurinae
****Genus: Arctictis
***** Binturong "Arctictis binturong" LR/lc
****Genus: Paradoxurus
***** Asian Palm Civet "Paradoxurus hermaphroditus" LR/lc
****Genus: Viverra
***** Malayan Civet "Viverra tangalunga" LR/lc
**Family: Herpestidae (mongooses)
***Genus: Herpestes
**** Short-tailed Mongoose "Herpestes brachyurus" LR/lc
*Suborder: Caniformia
**Family: Mustelidae (mustelids)
***Genus: Mydaus
**** Palawan Stink Badger "Mydaus marchei" VU
***Genus: Aonyx
**** Oriental Small-clawed Otter "Aonyx cinereus" NT

Order: Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates)

-----The even-toed ungulates are ungulates whose weight is borne about equally by the third and fourth toes, rather than mostly or entirely by the third as in perissodactyls. There are about 220 artiodactyl species, including many that are of great economic importance to humans.

*Family: Suidae (pigs)
**Subfamily: Suinae
***Genus: Sus
**** Bearded Pig "Sus barbatus" LR/lc
**** Visayan Warty Pig "Sus cebifrons" CR
**** Philippine Warty Pig "Sus philippensis" VU
**** Boar "Sus scrofa" LR/lc (not endemic to the Philippines)
*Family: Tragulidae
**Genus: Tragulus
*** Napu "Tragulus napu" LR/lc
*Family: Cervidae (deer)
**Subfamily: Cervinae
***Genus: Cervus
**** Philippine Spotted Deer "Cervus alfredi" EN
**** Philippine Sambar "Cervus mariannus" DD
**** Sika Deer "Cervus nippon" LR/lc
***Genus: Axis
**** Calamian Deer "Axis calamianensis" EN
*Family: Bovidae (cattle, antelope, sheep, goats)
**Subfamily: Bovinae
***Genus: Bubalus
**** Tamaraw "Bubalus mindorensis" CR



*cite web
title=The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Mammals of the Philippines
accessdaymonth = 22 May

*cite web
title=Mammal Species of the World
publisher=Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
accessdaymonth = 22 May

*cite web
title=Animal Diversity Web
publisher=University of Michigan Museum of Zoology
accessdaymonth = 22 May

ee also

*Wild Pigs of the Philippines
*List of chordate orders
*List of regional mammals lists
*List of prehistoric mammals
*Mammal classification
*New mammal species

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