Leader of the Opposition (Spain)

Leader of the Opposition (Spain)

The Leader of the Opposition is a title traditionally held by the leader of the largest party not in government in the Congress of Deputies, the lower house of the Spanish parliament, the Cortes Generales. The Leader of the Opposition is invariably seen as the alternative Prime Minister of Spain to the present incumbent, and heads a rival alternative government known as the Shadow Cabinet.

Leader of the Opposition of Spain under the 1977 constitution

* Constituent Legislature (1977 - 1979)
** (1977 - 1979): Felipe González, PSOE

* 1st Legislature (1979 - 1982)
** (1979 - 1982): Felipe González, PSOE

* 2nd Legislature (1982 - 1986)
** (1982 - 1986): Manuel Fraga Iribarne, AP

* 3rd Legislature (1986 - 1989)
** (1986 ): Manuel Fraga Iribarne, AP
** (1986 - 1987): Antonio Hernández Mancha, AP
** (1987 - 1989): Manuel Fraga Iribarne, AP

* 4th Legislature (1989 - 1993)
** (1989 - 1993): José María Aznar, PP

* 5th Legislature (1993 - 1996)
** (1993 - 1994): José María Aznar, PP

* 6th Legislature (1996 - 2000)
** (1996 - 1997): Felipe González, PSOE
** (1997 - 1998): Joaquín Almunia, PSOE
** (1998 - 1999): Josep Borrell, PSOE
** (1999 - 2000): Joaquín Almunia, PSOE

* 7th Legislature (2000 - 2004)
** (2000 - 2004): José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, PSOE

* 8th Legislature (2004 - 2008)
** (2004 - 2008): Mariano Rajoy, PP

* 9th Legislature (2008 - )
** (2008 - present): Mariano Rajoy, PP

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