

name = Stylidioideae

image_caption = "Stylidium productum"
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Asterales
familia = Stylidiaceae
subfamilia = Stylidioideae
subfamilia_authority = Mildbr. 1908
subdivision_ranks = Genera
subdivision ="Forstera" "Levenhookia" "Oreostylidium" "Phyllachne" "Stylidium"

Stylidioideae is a subfamily of Stylidiaceae described by Johannes Mildbraed in his 1908 taxonomic monograph of the family. The subfamily was created to distinguish the difference between the five typical genera of the Stylidiaceae from the single genus "Donatia", which Mildbraed placed in the Donatioideae subfamily.Mildbraed, J. (1908). Stylidiaceae. "In" Engler, A. "Das Pflanzenreich: Regni vegetabilis conspectus", IV. 278. Leipzig, 1908.] The subfamily taxonomy represents the taxonomic uncertainty of "Donatia", which has often been placed in its own family, Donatiaceae, or other families such as the Saxifragaceae.Wagstaff, S.J. and Wege, J. (2002). [ Patterns of diversification in New Zealand Stylidiaceae] . "American Journal of Botany", 89(5): 865-874.] Good, R. (1925). On the geographical distribution of the Stylidiaceae. "New Phytologist", 24(4): 225-240.]

Mildbraed's classification also included two tribes: Phyllachneae, which included the genera "Forstera" and "Phyllachne", and Stylidieae, which included "Levenhookia", "Oreostylidium", and "Stylidium". This level of infraspecific taxonomy is not used in recent research, but the groupings are supported by molecular data that suggest "Forstera" and "Phyllachne" are closely related but distinct from the other three.


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