Johannes von Kries

Johannes von Kries

Johannes von Kries (1853–1928) was a German physiological psychologist [cite book | title = Color Codes: Modern Theories of Color in Philosophy, Painting and Architecture, Literature, Music, and Psychology | author = Charles A. Riley II | publisher = Univ. Press of New England, Hanover NH |year = 1996 | isbn = 0874517427 | url = ] who formulated the modern "duplicity" or "duplexity" theory of vision mediated by rod cells at low light levels and three types of cone cells at higher light levels. [cite book | title = The Color Sensitivity of the Peripheral Retina | author = John Wallace Baird | publisher = Carnegie Institution of Washington | url =,M1 | year = 1905 ] [cite book | title = Dictionary of Theories, Laws, and Concepts in Psychology | author = Jon E. Roeckelein | year = 1998 | publisher = Greenwood Press | isbn = 0313304602 | url = ]

When von Kries was at Freiburg, he was called to succeed Professor Du Bois Raymond as chair of physiology at the University of Berlin, but he declined. [cite journal | title = Scientific News | journal = The American Naturalist | author = American Society of Naturalists, Essex Institute | date = May 1897 | url =,M1 ]

Von Kries has been called Helmholtz's "greatest German disciple". [cite book | title=Hermann Von Helmholtz and the Foundations of Nineteenth-Century Science | author = David Cahan | publisher = University of California Press | year = 1993 | isbn = 0520083342 | url = ]

See also

* Color balance
* Von Kries transform


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