- Erythrochiton gymnanthus
name = Erythrochiton gymnanthus
status = CR
regnum =Plantae
unranked_divisio =Angiosperms
unranked_classis =Eudicots
unranked_ordo =Rosids
ordo =Sapindales
familia =Rutaceae
genus = "Erythrochiton "
species = "E. gymnanthus"
binomial = "Erythrochiton gymnanthus"
binomial_authority = (Kallunki, 1992)|"Erythrochiton gymnanthus" is a
critically endangered tree or shrub from the familyRutaceae . It is endemic toCosta Rica . The genusErythrochiton consists of only twelve species and it native to theNeotropical region.Description
"Erythrochiton gymnanthus" reaches a height between 1.5 and 6 metres. The young branches are glabrous. Each branch bearing a leaf tuft. The alternate unifoliate leaves are 14.5 to 36.4 centimetre in length and 3.5 to 11 centimetres in width. The leaves are obovate or oblanceolate, sometimes narrow oblanceolate. They are cuneate and decurrent at base. The adaxial surface smooth of the petiole is 0.5 to 3 cm. The flowers are white. The corolla is 4.5 to 6 centimetre in diameter. The fruit is a capsule which is formed by 4 to 5 glabrous carpels measuring 1.6 to 1.9 cm. The flowering time is from April to July.
Distribution and habitat
"Erythrochtion gymnanthus" is endemic to the
Central Pacific Conservation Area ofCosta Rica , in particular the regions of Barranca and Miramar and in theCarara National Park . It grows mostly in elevations from 20 to 100 metres in humid forests.tatus
"Erythrochtion gymnanthus" is threatened due to leaf diseases and the fragmentation of its habitat.
* [http://darnis.inbio.ac.cr/FMPro?-DB=UBIpub.fp3&-lay=WebAll&-Format=/ubi/detail.html&-Op=bw&id=4425&-Find Especies de Costa Rica] es
External links
* [http://www.conicit.go.cr/boletin/boletin50/especieamenazada.shtml Buscan generar conocimiento ecológico de especie amenazada] es
* [http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0007-196X(199204%2F06)44%3A2%3C107%3AAROESL%3E2.0.CO%3B2-%23 A Revision of Erythrochiton Sensu Lato (Cuspariinae, Rutaceae)]
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