Johann Haller

Johann Haller

Johann Haller or Jan HallerNorman Davies, [ God's Playground: A History of Poland : in Two Volumes, pg. 118 ] ] (1463 - 1525) is considered to be one of the first commercial printers in Poland. [pl icon Epoka publishers, [ The History of printing till 18th century. First Polish prints.] Opole, 2007.]

Born in in Rothenburg, Haller is perhaps best known for publishing poems of Theophylact Simocatta in 1509 which had been translated from Greek by Nicolaus Copernicus. At the time, there was no printing press available in Copernicus' neighborhood in Lidzbark Warmiński (Heilsberg), Frombork (Frauenburg), nor in Toruń (Thorun) Pierre Gassendi and Oliver Thill, [ The Life of Copernicus (1473-1543)] ] , therefore Copernicus' translation could have been printed only in Breslau (Wrocław), Kraków, or further abroad. Copernicus, who had studied in Kraków, opted for Johann Haller, who together with Kasper Hochfeld had already published the first illustrated work in Poland, Jan Łaski's "Statues" in 1506Norman Davies, [ God's Playground, vol.1, chapter 5] . "The first work printed in Cracow, a Latin almanac, was produced by Piotr Straube in 1473. In 1491, Swejbold Vehl (Szwajpolt Fiol) printed the first ever book in Cyrillic, an "Oktoich" hymnal, and was fined by an inquisitorial court for his pains. Johann Haller, another Franconian, and Kasper Hochfeld, had the distinction of publishing Poland's first illustrated work, Jan Laski's legal 'Statutes', in 1506. " ] , and one of 25 works of Laurentius Corvinus in 1508. Corvinus had lectured at Cracow Academy, while Nicolaus Copernicus studied there and they were well acquainted. Corvinus took on a job at Toruń and in June 1509 he left there to go to the printer Haller in Kraków bringing with him the manuscript entrusted to him by Copernicus. Corvinus (Rabe) added a poem and Copernicus wrote a dedication inside for his uncle, the Prince-Bishop Lucas Watzenrode. Haller published it before the end of 1509.

After his studies at the Kraków Academy Haller became a merchant in wine, copper and tin, thus enabling himself to engage, at a later time, in the production of printing elements and finally establishing a printing press in Kraków. His first printing products were almanacs, followed by the Breviary for the clergy. Haller was able to acquire a partial monopoly on them thereby protecting himself from the competition. Haller soon expanded his business to include scientific books such as writings on astronomy, mathematics, philosophy and law as well as the publishing of royal and church statutes.

Haller manufactured altogether around 3,530 prints. His masterpieces are illustrated books containing 354 sheets of woodcuts.


*"Communicating Europe to the Region: Breslau in the Age of the Renaissance" Lambrecht, "German History", 2002 [ (pdf file)]

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