LBR is a
three letter acronym that could mean:*
Liberia –FIFA ,International Olympic Committee ,International Telecommunication Union andISO 3166-1 country code LBR
*Link life based routing
*Lithuanian Business Review [http://lbr.neolitas.lt/]
*Llanbedr station – seeUK railway stations - L
*Leighton Buzzard Railway
*London and Birmingham Railway
*Lynton and Barnstaple Railway
*Lowville and Beaver River Railroad reporting mark|LBR
*Landelijke Bureau ter bestrijding van Rassendiscriminatie
*LBR (file format) : The file-name extension for a computer file format for archiving files onCP/M and earlyMS-DOS systems.
* TheLondon Borough of Redbridge in theUnited Kingdom .
* Military: Laser Beam Rider
* Geotech: Limerock Bearing Ratio (1.25 CBR)
* Long Burn Ride an acoustic duo in central Pennsylvania
* Loser Beyond Repair
* Long Barreled Revolver
* Lanka Business Report (LBR)--www.lbr.lk
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