- Hedley Bull
Hedley Bull (
June 10 ,1932 –May 18 ,1985 ) was Professor ofInternational Relations at theAustralian National University , theLondon School of Economics , and theUniversity of Oxford until his death in 1985."
The Anarchical Society " (1977) is his main work: it is widely regarded as a key textbook in the field of international relations and is also seen as the central text in the so-called ‘English School’ ofinternational relations . In this book he argues that despite the anarchical character of the international arena, it is characterised by the formation of not only a system of states, but a society of states. His requirements for an entity to be called astate are that it must claimsovereignty over (i) a group of people (ii) a definedterritory , and that it must have agovernment . States form a system when they have a sufficient degree of interaction, and impact on each other's decisions, so as they "behave — at least in some measure — as parts of a whole." A system of states can exist without it also being a society of states. A society of states comes into existence "when a group of states, conscious of certain common interests and common values, form a society in the sense that they conceive themselves to be bound by a common set of rules in their relations with one another, and share in the working of common institutions."The society of states is a way for Bull to analyse and assess possibilities of order in
world politics . He continues his argument by giving the concept of order in social life, and the mechanisms of: the balance of power,international law ,diplomacy ,war , and thegreat powers central roles. He finally concludes that, despite the existence of possible alternative forms of organization, the states system is our best chance of achieving order in world politics.ee also
New medievalism elected works
*"The control of the arms race: Disarmament and arms control in the missile age" (1965)
*"Strategic studies and its critics" (1967)
*"Justice in international relations" (1984) (1983-84 Hagey lectures)
*"The Anarchical Society : A Study of Order in World Politics" Third ed.with forewords by Stanley Hoffmann and Andrew Hurrell.
*"Intervention in World Politics" (1984)
*" The Challenge of the Third Reich" (1986) (The Adam von Trott Memorial Lectures)References
*Alderson, Kai and
Andrew Hurrell "Hedley Bull On International Society" (2003)
*Miller, J.D.B. and R.J. Vincent "Order and Violence: Hedley Bull and International Relations" (1990)
*Vigezzi, Brunello "The British Committee on the Theory of International Politics" (2005)
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