Pietro Dandini

Pietro Dandini

Pietro Dandini (1646 - 1712) was an Italian painter of the Baroque period, active mainly in Florence. He was the son (or nephew) and pupil of the painter Vincenzo Dandini. Pietro's uncle, Cesare Dandini, was also a painter. Vincenzo's sons, Ottaviano and Vincenzo Dandini the younger also became painters. He is also called "Pier Dandini". His works can be seen in Villa Petraia near Florence, the cupola of Santa Maria Maddalena in Florence, and a painting of St. Francis in Santa Maria Maggiore of Rome.


last = Bellesi | first = Sandro
author-link =
title = I rapporti di collaborazione tra Pier Dandini e Andrea Scacciati: le tele con le Allegorie delle Stagio
journal = Paragone
volume = 469, 475
issue =
pages = 86–92, 94–95
date =
year = 1989
url =
id =

last = Bellesi | first = Sandro
author-link =
title = Postilla a un dipinto di Pier Dandini
journal = Paragone
volume = 40
issue = 475
pages = 94–95
date =
year = 1989
url =
id =

last = Bellesi | first = Sandro
author-link =
title = Una vita inedita di Pier Dandini
journal = Rivista d'arte
volume = 43
issue =
pages = 89–188
date =
year = 1991
url =
id =

last = Bellesi | first = Sandro
author-link =
title = Riflessi cortoneschi in alcune pitture di Pier Dandini
journal = Antichità viva
volume = XXXVI
issue = 2-3
pages = 98–107
date =
year = 1997
url =
id =

*cite book | first= Maria|last= Farquhar| year=1855| title= Biographical catalogue of the principal Italian painters| editor = Ralph Nicholson Wornum | pages= page 54| publisher= Woodfall & Kinder, Angel Court, Skinner Street, London; Digitized by Googlebooks from Oxford University copy on Jun 27, 2006| id= | url= http://books.google.com/books?q=intitle:Wornum+intitle:principal+intitle:painters | authorlink=

last = Majoch | first = Sławomir | author-link =
title = Salomon przyjmujący królową Saby' Pietra Dandiniego. Prace badawcze i konserwatorskie
journal = Biuletyn Informacyjny Konserwatorów Dzieł Sztuki
volume =
issue = 3-4
pages = 93–95
date =
year = 2003
url = http://katalog.czasopism.pl/spis_tresci.php?id_spisu=5743
id =

last = Majoch | first1 = Sławomir | author1-link =
last2 = Żulichowski | first2 = Michał | author2-link =
title = Nieznany obraz malarza Medyceuszy - Pietra Dandiniego. Zagadnienia artystyczne i konserwatorskie (Unknown painting by the Medici's painter, Pietro Dandini: artistic and conservation issues)
journal = In: Studenci o konserwacji. Materiały II Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Naukowej Studentów Konserwacji Zabytków
volume =
issue =
pages = 47–66
date =
year = 2000
url = http://www.wydawnictwoumk.pl/prod_k_0_-2_38560_Studenci_o_konserwacji_t._2._Materialy_II_Ogolnopolskiej_Kon.html
id =
Rijksmuseum Library: http://library.rijksmuseum.nl/rrl/scr/list.pl?lang=en&nlk=menu_acq&m=2003_12
* Majoch, Sławomir, »Il pennello ammirabile«. Obrazy Pietra Dandiniego w krakowskim kosciele i klasztorze oo. Kapucynow (Bilder von Pietro Dandini in Kirche und Kloster der Krakauer Kapuziner), Instytut Zabytkoznawstwa i Konserwatorstwa Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika (Institut für Denkmalkunde und Konservierung der Nikolaus-Kopernikus-Universität), Toruń 2000

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