- Ulpius Marcellus
Ulpius Marcellus was a Roman consular governor of Britannia who returned there as general of the later
2nd century . [M. Brassington, "Ulpius Marcellus" "Britannia" 11 (1980):314-315). ]Ulpius Marcellus is recorded as governor of
Roman Britain in an inscription of 176-80, [The inscription mentions two emperors but cannot be placed in the earlier period of co-emperors, 161-69, according to Brassington 1980.] and apparently returned to Rome after a tenure without serious incident. He was sent out again by the EmperorCommodus [An inscription records the construction of an aqueduct under his direction.] to suppress a serious revolt in180 , which earned him the reputation of a disciplinariian.Dio Cassius records that tribes from the north breachedHadrian's Wall which separated them from the empire and killed a general (possibly Marcellus' predecessor,Caerellius Priscus ) with all his guards, presumably during an inspection of Hadrian's Wall. Little else is known of the revolt except that Dio called it the most serious war of Commodus' reign and reported that it was not quelled until about184 , when commemorative coins were issued and Commodus assumed the title of "Britannicus". Further coins were issued in 185 however, and ahoard ofsilver coins with final issues from 186/7 suggest that unrest and fighting continued into later years.Marcellus undertook punitive raids north of the border and may have attempted to reoccupy the
Antonine Wall . However, he ultimately withdrew to Hadrian's Wall and probably concluded treaties with the relevant tribes. The forts north of the wall such asNewstead were abandoned. Two inscriptions at the fort atChesters (RomanCilurnum ) mention him in connection with the "Second Ala ofAsturia ns".He was hampered by a lack of control over his troops. Marcellus was a
martinet and the troops in Britain under Commodus were highly mutinous, going so far as to later put forward a pretender to the imperial throne. He was thought to have had a son, also called Ulpius Marcellus, serving as governor around thirty years later, although this is based on a misdated inscription and the existence of a second Marcellus is now discounted.Notes
prev=Caerellius Priscus
next=Publius Helvius Pertinax
list=Roman governors of Britain
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