United Coalition for Animals (UCAN)

United Coalition for Animals (UCAN)

United Coalition for Animals or UCAN is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 2001 with the purpose of providing spay/neuter as a solution to pet overpopulation. UCAN made the decision in 2005 to open a [http://www.ucanclinic.org Cincinnati-based spay/neuter clinic] with the express purpose of offering high-quality, affordable spay/neuter surgeries to targeted low-income communities in the 12-county Greater Cincinnati region. The organization expects to perform 8,400 surgeries in the first 12 months of operation and 16,800 in its second year. UCAN utilizes a combination of low-cost service, accessibility and education to reach those pets that would not otherwise have been spayed or neutered. UCAN has the advantage of following the proven model of the [http://www.humanealliance.org Humane Alliance] Spay/Neuter Clinic in Asheville, North Carolina. One of the most successful programs in the country, Humane Alliance has reduced the euthanasia rate in greater Asheville by more than 82% in the last decade, [ [http://www.ryannewmanfoundation.org/animal.htm reduced the euthanasia rate in greater Asheville by more than 82% in the last decade] ] and they are committed to sharing their expertise by helping other clinics get started. Humane Alliance has partnered with PetSmart Charities and the Humane Society of the United States to form the [http://www.humanealliance.org/HA/9658915B-32D9-4521-B864-AE22ECCE2A5B.html National Spay Neuter Response Team] (NSNRT). NSNRT is a strategic training program designed to assist organizations as they open and operate high-volume, targeted, affordable, spay/neuter clinics across the nation. [ [http://www.humanealliance.org/HA/9658915B-32D9-4521-B864-AE22ECCE2A5B.html NSNRT] ] UCAN has been accepted into the NSNRT program [ [http://www.ucancincinnati.org UCAN has been accepted into the NSNRT program] ] and receives guidance from this team.

UCAN also has the benefit of operating a non-profit home furnishings consignment store, [http://www.ucancincinnati.org/Pedigree.html Pedigree Interiors] . All proceeds from Pedigree Interiors support UCAN’s spay/neuter initiative. In its first three years of operation, the store has earned a profit of over $110,000, and business continues to grow. More than 50 volunteers donate their time in the store and more than 600 consignors supply merchandise. Not only does Pedigree Interiors raise funds, it also raises awareness by spreading the message of spay/neuter.


[http://news.enquirer.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070414/EDIT01/704140328/-1/all Showing humanity for dogs and cats - Cincinnati Enquirer - 4/14/2007]
[http://www.wvxu.org/news/wvxunews_article.asp?ID=3666 Non-profit spay/neuter clinic to open in Cincinnati - WVXU - 4/13/2007]
[http://news.enquirer.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070408/BIZ01/704080340/-1/all Discounted spay/neuter services - Cincinnati Enquirer - 4/8/2007]
[http://cincinnati.bizjournals.com/cincinnati/stories/2007/04/02/daily53.html?surround=lfn UCAN opens nonprofit spay/neuter clinic - Cincinnati Business Courier - 4/7/2007]

External links

* [http://www.ucancincinnati.org United Coalition for Animals (UCAN) Website] (Operated by UCAN)

* [http://www.ucanclinic.org UCAN Spay/Neuter Clinic Website] (Operated by UCAN)

* [http://fixingthefuture.typepad.com Fixing the Future blog] (Operated by UCAN)

* [http://www.humanealliance.org Humane Alliance website]

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