Anchor text

Anchor text

The anchor text or link label is the visible, clickable text in a hyperlink. The words contained in the Anchor text can determine the ranking that the page will receive by search engines. [ [ anchor text] ]


Anchor text usually gives the user relevant descriptive or contextual information about the content of the link's destination. The anchor text may or may not be related to the actual text of the URL of the link. For example, a hyperlink to the main Wikipedia page might take this form:


The anchor text in this example is "Wikipedia"; the complex URL displays on the web page as Wikipedia, contributing to a clean, easy to read text or document.

Common misunderstanding of the concept

Webmasters sometimes tend to misunderstand anchor text. Instead of turning appropriate words inside of a sentence into a clickable link, webmasters frequently insert extra text such as this::Today our troops have liberated another country from tyranny. To know more, click here.The more concise way of coding that would be::Today our troops have liberated another country from tyranny.

This proper method of linking is beneficial not only to users, but also to the webmaster as anchor text holds significant weight in search engine rankings. Most search engine optimization experts recommend against using "click here" to designate a link.

earch engine algorithms

Anchor text is weighted (ranked) highly in search engine algorithms, because the linked text is usually relevant to the landing page [Brown, Terrence [ The Importance Of Anchor Text in SEO] February 5, 2003.] . The objective of search engines is to provide highly relevant search results; this is where anchor text helps, as the tendency is, more often than not, to hyperlink words relevant to the landing page.

Webmasters may use anchor text to procure high results in search engine results pages. Google's Webmaster Tools facilitate this optimization by letting website owners view the most common words in anchor text linking to their site. [cite web
title=Get a more complete picture about how other sites link to you
publisher=Official Google Webmaster Central Blog

In the past, Google bombing has been possible through anchor text manipulation; however, in January, 2007, Google announced it had updated its algorithm to minimize the impact of Google bombs. [cite web
title=A quick word about Googlebombs
publisher=Official Google Webmaster Central Blog


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