Bruno Campanella

Bruno Campanella

Bruno Campanella (born January 6, 1943, Bari) is an Italian conductor and a distinguished interpreter of the Italian Opera.

He studied composition under Nino Rota and Luigi Dallapiccola, and had Hans Swarowsky and Thomas Schippers as instructors in conducting.

Since the late 1970s he has been known worldwide as a specialist in "Bel Canto". However, his repertoire also includes works by Maurice Ravel, Igor Stravinsky, and Giuseppe Verdi, among others.

He performs at such major theaters as La Scala in Milan, the Metropolitan Opera of NYC, the San Francisco Opera, the Houston Grand Opera, the Lyric Opera of Chicago, the Municipal Theater of Santiago, L’Opéra de Montréal, L’Opéra National de Paris, the Wiener Staatsoper, the Royal Opera House in London, the New National Theatre in Tokyo.

He served as "principal conductor" at the Teatro Regio di Torino from 1992 to 1995. At present he is Teatro Regio's "principal guest conductor".

In 2002 the French Ministry of Culture awarded him the title of "Officier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres".


Among his recordings:
*Bel Canto Arias, with Kathleen Battle (CD Deutsche Grammophon, 1993).
*Don Pasquale, with Enzo Dara and Luciana Serra (CD Nuova Era, 1988).
*Il Barbiere di Siviglia, with Rockwell Blake and Luciana Serra (CD Nuova Era, 1987).
*La Cenerentola, with Cecilia Bartoli and Enzo Dara (DVD Decca Records, 1996).
*La Fille du Régiment, with June Anderson and Alfredo Kraus (CD EMI, 1986).
*L'ajo nell'imbarazzo, with Enzo Dara and Luciana Serra (CD Fonit Cetra, Warner Music Group, 1994).
*La traviata, with Renato Bruson, Mariella Devia and Giuseppe Filianoti (DVD La Voce, Inc., 2006).
*L'italiana in Algeri, with Jennifer Larmore, Bruce Ford and Simone Alaimo (DVD TDK Music, 2007).
*Macbeth, with Carlos Àlvarez, Maria Guleghina and Roberto Scandiuzzi (DVD Opus Arte, 2005).
*Norma, with Fiorenza Cedolins, Vincenzo La Scola and Nidia Palacios (DVD La Voce, Inc., 2004).

ources and external links

* [ Bruno Campanella, biography - Stagedoor]
* [ Biographies - Who's Who in Italy]

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