Shinji Turner-Yamamoto

Shinji Turner-Yamamoto

is a visual artist from Osaka, Japan.

He studied fresco at the Kyoto City University of Arts. Sponsored by the Italian government, he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts of Bologna, where he lived for eleven years. His prizes include the 1999-2000 Pépinières Européennes pour Jeunes Artistes and 2000 first prize from the international Targetti Light Art Collection. His work is in public and private collections in Switzerland, Finland, India, Japan, Italy, and the United States. Since 2000, he has been working worldwide through artist-in residence programs. Site-specific installations include Museo d'Arte Contemporanea Villa Croce, Genoa, Stazione Leopolda, Florence, Roches Tower, Cork, Ireland, the Sanskriti Foundation, New Delhi and Navdanya's Bija Vidyapeeth, Dehradun, India for UNESCO-ASCHBERG Bursaries for Artists, Kiyomizu Temple and Saigyo-an, Kyoto. Exhibitions include Kyoto Art Walk, an international invitational in Kyoto's temples and Nijo Castle which he curated, the Crawford Municipal Art Gallery, Cork, Ireland, MUAR, Moscow, the Chelsea Art Museum, New York, and Shigeko Bork MU Project, Washington, DC.

Focused on nature and the environment, Turner-Yamamoto's work presents an interplay between absence and presence that emanates a strong quiet spiritual energy. Working with handmade color from pigments and other materials the Washington, DC-based artist collects in locales from India to Italy and throughout the world, his work is inspired by emotional reactions to specific events in landscape.


* [ Shinji Turner-Yamamoto's website]
* [ Shigeko Bork Mu Project]
* [ Targetti Light Art Collection]

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