

] . Among other things, the departure of the year cancels all debts. This is one of the many laws in the Torah meant to protect the poor and disadvantaged, affording them a chance to escape from eternal debt.

Conversely, the law harmed the lenders who would never be reimbursed once the Sabbatical year ended to remit all debts. The wealthy refused to loan money during the latter years of the seven-year cycle, refusing the poor even a temporary opportunity to make ends meet [Pearce, Rabbi Stephen. " [ Re'eh: How Hillel Created Precedent For Changing Law] " Jewish News Weekly of Northern California. August 9, 1996, accessed May 15, 2007.] .

Rabbinic response

The rabbis of the time found the state of affairs to be both a major challenge to the status quo and a violation of numerous "mitzvot", Torah laws, that require magnanimity to the poor, including one within the aforementioned passage in Deuteronomy [] . The rabbis, under the suggestion of Hillel the Elder, created a legal fiction, a loophole in Jewish law, in which a legal document would accompany the interest-free loans (charging interest is forbidden in the Torah) issued by individuals that stated that the loans were to be transferred to the courts as the law of remission does not apply to loans within the public domain. This groundbreaking institution benefited both borrower and lender; because lenders knew their money was safe even following the Sabbatical year, they were likely to loan to the poor.


Though the practice of the prozbul is largely archaic, its institution has far reaching effects to this day, setting somewhat of a precedence in terms of legal fiction. The decision was groundbreaking and controversial. “Later amoraim expressed their astonishment at the fact that Hillel dared to abrogate the Mosaic institution of the release of all debts every seventh year”Greenstone, Julius H. " [ Prosbul] ". Jewish Encyclopedia. 2002, accessed May 15, 2007.] . There is a major debate in the Talmud whether rabbis have the authority to uproot from the Torah [Babylonian Talmud Yevamot 89b-90b] and the issue of prozbul is one of the first examples of this debate being tested.

The yovel year is only commanded by the Torah when most Jews are in the land of Israel. Thus - while dispersed around the world - shmita, like certain other laws, is not required by the Torah. However, the great sanhedrin enacted their own law that while in the land of Israel Jews must continue to observe shmita, so that its observance will not be forgotten (prior to the entire Jewish people's eventual return to the land of Israel).

Thus, Hillel, great as he was, most certainly did not change a law of the Torah in order to fit the needs of his time. He and his beth din enacted a rabbinic exception to a rabbinic law. As the Rambam notes in Shmita V'Yovel perek 9, when most Jews again live in the land of Israel and the observance of the sabbatical and jubilee years are Toraitic commandments, the prozbul will no longer be able to be used.

Prozbul, like `eruv, is a rabbinic exception to a rabbinic enactment. Prozbul cannot be used to get around the Torah commanded shmita and yovel, just as `eruv cannot be used to get around Torah prohibited carrying in the public domain.

ee also


External links

* [ Etymology of "prozbul"]


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