La Traición

La Traición

Infobox Television
show_name = La Traición

caption = "La Traición" title card.
format = telenovela
camera = Multi camera
picture_format = HDTV
runtime = 43 minutes
creator = José Fernando Pérez
developer = Telemundo
RTI Colombia
producer = Andrés Santamaría
executive_producer = Hugo León Ferrer
starring = Mario Cimarro
Danna Garcia
narrated =
theme_music_composer = Nicolas Uribe
Oliver Camargo
José Carlos Maria
opentheme = Salvatore Casandro
Paola Vargas
endtheme =
country = COL
language = Spanish
network = Telemundo
first_aired = January 29, 2008
last_aired = June 27, 2008
num_episodes = 106
list_episodes =
website =
imdb_id =
tv_com_id =

La Traición ("The Betrayal") is a Colombian telenovela co-produced by United States-based Telemundo and RTI Colombia. Telemundo debuted this serial on January 29, 2008, replacing "Madre Luna". This show is also known as "Betrayed". []

"Traición" is based on the Colombian novel "El Caballero de Rauzán", written in 1887 by Felipe Pérez. RTI Colombia made another adaptation of the story in 2000, titled "Rauzán". As with most of its soap operas, Telemundo broadcast English subtitles as closed captions on CC3. Filming in Bogotá, Colombia, began in late October, 2007. []


This romantic saga features Hugo de Medina, a handsome, mysterious swordsman, with a reputation as a womanizer. His life crashes around him when he finds he suffers from catalepsy, an incurable condition marked by loss of voluntary motion. The same disease felled his father years before.

This dashing young man meets Soledad de Obregon, a gorgeous, refined girl and the two are bound together by sudden passion, though matters are complicated by Hugo's desire to hide his infirmity. []

As the adoring couple prepares to marry, tragedy strikes again. [] Hugo’s sinister brother, Alcides, who has always been in love with Soledad, betrays him and steals his betrothed. The rest of the telenovela deals with first Hugo's quest for vengeance and then his attempts to regain the trust and love of Soledad. []

Production Notes

This telenovela was originally announced with Mario Cimarro, Sandra Echeverría and Gabriel Porras as stars. [] Danna Garcia replaced Echeverría and Salvador del Solar replaced Porras, who took the male lead in "Madre Luna". Telemundo began airing ads promoting this show in September, before filming began. It apparently shortened the series from the original plan of 130 [] to 106 episodes.

Telemundo also took a shot at rival network Univision by having Michelle Vieth appear in first-run episodes of this show, while Univision aired "Al Diablo con los Guapos" from 2007. This highlights that the competition rebroadcasts serials that already aired in Mexico several months ago, while Telemundo usually airs original programming. Michelle Vieth is thus one of the few soap performers to appear on competing US networks at the same time. [,0,4631983.story]


*Mario Cimarro .... Hugo de Medina- "Main hero"/ Alcides de Medina- "Main villain." " Identical brothers who both love Soledad".
*Danna García .... Soledad de Obregón- "Main heroine"
*Michelle Vieth ... Michelle- "In love with Hugo"
*Ismael La Rosa... Daniel Von Sirak- "Catelepsy doctor, in love with Soledad"
*Harry Geithner .... Francisco/Paco/Paquito- "Town's reporter and in love with Eloísa"
*Cesar Mora .... Guillermo Burke
*Virna Flores .... Eloísa Renán- "Villain. After Alcides' wealth but in love with Hugo "
*Rossana Fernández Maldonado .... Beatriz de Linares - "Villain"
*Luz Estella Luengas .... Esther de Obregon- "Soledad's mother, Lucas's wife"
*German Rojas .... Lucas de Obregon- "Soledad's father, Esther's husband"
*Victoria Góngora .... Helena Burke
*Flavio Peniche .... Boris- "Hugo's servant. Falls in love with Ursula."
*Natalia Giraldo .... Tia Antonia- "Soledad's aunt, Lucas' sister"
*Mónica Franco .... Rebeca Montenegro- "(Deceased) villain, Lucas' ex-lover"
*Indira Serrano .... Ursula- "Soledad's servant. Falls in love with Boris."
*Liliana Zalazar .... Marina- "Boris' wife and villain"
*Sergio Gonzalez .... Doctor Max- "killed Daniel's father to find the cure to catalepsy"
*Tiberio Cruz .... Hercules- "Arturo's ex-servant. In love with Margot."
*Salvador del Solar .... Arturo de Linares - "Villain, in love with Margot and wants to enact revenge on Alcides"
*Ricardo Saldarriaga
*Diego Camacho
*Rene Figueroa
*Tommy Vásquez
*Andrés Martínez
*Esmeralda Pinzón
*Tania Falquez .... "Alcides' and Hugo's mother"
*Bastian Madiedo
*Javier Zapata
*Cesar Vargas
*Oscar González
*Mauricio Bravo
*Sigifredo Vega
*Juan Carlos Bedoya
*Laila Viera
*Luís Fernando Bohórquez
*Alberto Sornosa
*Juan Carlos Arboleda
*Eduardo Carreño
*Diego Giraldo


"Based on a book “El Caballero de Rauzán” written by"
*Felipe Pérez

*José Fernando Pérez

"Screenplay by"
*José Fernando Pérez
*Claudia Rojas
*Aída Naredo
*Lina Serrano

"Art Director"
*Gabriela Monroy

"Director of Photography"
*Eduardo Carreño

"Costume Designer"
*Manuel Guerrero

*Cesar Chaparro

*Claudia Carvajal

*Alfredo Salamanca

"Exterior Photography"
*Alfredo Zamudio

"VP of Talent"
*Joshua Mintz

"Camera Directors"
*Cesar Contreras
*Felipe Sastoque

"Original Music"
*Nicolas Uribe
*Oliver Camargo
*José Carlos Maria

*Alejandro Díaz

"Theme Interpreters"
*Salvatore Casandro
*Paola Vargas

*Alba Merchán Hamann

"Chief of Production"
*Andrés Santamaría

*Mauricio Cruz
*Agustín Restrepo

"Executive Producer"
*Hugo León Ferrer

External links

* [ Telemundo International] "La Traición" page (English, requires Flash)
* [ Telenovela World] (bilingual)
* [ Official site] (Spanish)
* [ Telemundo teaser trailer] (Spanish with English subtitles)
* [ Telenovela La Traición Tribute Site] (in Spanish)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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