Apache Ivy

Apache Ivy

Infobox Software
name = Apache Ivy

caption =
developer = Apache Software Foundation
latest release version = 2.0.0 beta 2
latest release date = release date|2008|04|03
latest preview version =
latest preview date =
operating system = Cross-platform
platform = Java
programming language = Java
genre = Agile Dependency Manager
license = Apache License 2.0
website = http://ant.apache.org/ivy

Apache Ivy is a transitive dependency manager currently being developed in the Apache Ant. Ivy works with Apache Ant to perform Java (or other language) project dependency resolution. Project dependencies are defined in an external XML file and list the resources necessary to build a project. Ivy then downloads resources similar to the way that Apache Maven does, but where Maven is a complete software build tool, Ivy is purely a transitive dependency manager.


* Managing project dependencies
* XML-driven declaration of project dependencies and jar repositories
* Automatic retrieval of transitive dependency definitions and resources
* Automatic integration to publicly available artifact repositories repositories
* Resolution of dependency closures
* Configurable project state definitions, which allow for multiple dependency set definitions
* Extra publishing steps for local projects


Ivy was first created in September, 2004 by Jayasoft. Xavier Hanin was the principal architect and developer of the project. Jayasoft moved hosting of Ivy to Apache Incubator in October of 2006. The last version of Ivy hosted under Jayasoft was 1.4.1. Since then, the project has undergone package renaming to reflect its association with the Apache Software Foundation. Package names that were once prefixed fr.jayasoft.ivy are now org.apache.ivy.

Ivy graduated from the Apache Incubator in October, 2007. It is now a sub-project of Apache Ant.


* Steve Loughran, Erik Hatcher: Ant in Action, Manning Publications Company, ISBN 1-932394-80-X

External links

* [http://www.jaya.free.fr/ Archival Jayasoft website]
* [http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-ap05068/index.html Automation for the people: Manage dependencies with Ivy] by Paul Duvall

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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