Retarded potential

Retarded potential

The scalar or vector potential electromagnetic of a time varying current or charge distribution.

These are the electromagnetic retarded potentials for an arbitrary source in free space (vacuum). They satisfy the inhomogeneous wave equations for mathit V and mathbf A in the Lorenz gauge.

:mathit t_r equiv mathit t - frac, d au'

Here, mathbf r is location, mathit t is time, and mathit c is the speed of light in a vacuum. mathit t_r is the "retarded time"; the time at which light must be emitted from location r' in order to reach location r at time t. ho (mathbf r, mathit t) is the electric charge density, and mathbf J(mathbf r, mathit t) is the current density. epsilon_0 is the dielectric constant of free space, and mu_0 is the magnetic permeability of free space. V (mathbf r ,mathit t) is the electrical potential, and mathbf A(mathbf r ,mathit t) is the vector potential.

The advanced potentials are:

:mathit V_a (mathbf r ,mathit t) = frac{1}{4piepsilon_0}int frac{ ho (mathbf r' , mathit t_a)}{mathit c}The subscript "a" stands for advanced, and mathit t_a is the "advanced time".

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