List of U.S. county name etymologies, E-I

List of U.S. county name etymologies, E-I

This is a list of U.S. county name etymologies, covering the letters E to I.


*Eagle County, Colorado, is named for the Eagle River, which runs through the county.
*Early County, Georgia
*East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, is named for the largest city therein and the state capitol, Baton Rouge. The name Baton Rouge is French for "red stick". Records of D'Iberville describe large reddened poles erected by Indians with fish and bear heads attached in sacrifice. These may have designated boundaries at a point separating the hunting grounds of the Bayou Goula and the Houma Indian tribes.
*East Carroll Parish, Louisiana
*East Feliciana Parish, Louisiana: Feliciana is Spanish for "Happy Land" and the name is said to have its origin from "Felicite", the wife of Don Bernado de Galvez, the governor of Spanish Louisiana.
*Eastland County, Texas
*Eaton County, Michigan
*Eau Claire County, Wisconsin
*Echols County, Georgia
*Ector County, Texas
*Eddy County, New Mexico
* Eddy County, North Dakota
*Edgar County, Illinois
*Edgecombe County, North Carolina
*Edgefield County, South Carolina
*Edmonson County, Kentucky
*Edmunds County, South Dakota
*Edwards County, Illinois
* Edwards County, Kansas
* Edwards County, Texas
*Effingham County, Georgia
* Effingham County, Illinois
*El Dorado County, California
*El Paso County, Colorado: El Paso County is named for Ute Pass (known to early Spanish settlers as "El Paso" or "The Pass"), an important mountain pass through the Front Range.
* El Paso County, Texas
*Elbert County, Colorado: Elbert County is named for Samuel Hitt Elbert, the 6th Territorial Governor of Colorado.
* Elbert County, Georgia
*Elk County, Kansas
* Elk County, Pennsylvania
*Elkhart County, Indiana: Elkhart is named for the Elkhart Native American people.
*Elko County, Nevada
*Elliott County, Kentucky
*Ellis County, Kansas
* Ellis County, Oklahoma
* Ellis County, Texas
*Ellsworth County, Kansas
*Elmore County, Alabama
* Elmore County, Idaho
*Emanuel County, Georgia
*Emery County, Utah
*Emmet County, Iowa
* Emmet County, Michigan
*Emmons County, North Dakota
*Emporia, Virginia
*Erath County, Texas
*Erie County, New York
* Erie County, Ohio
* Erie County, Pennsylvania
*Escambia County, Alabama
* Escambia County, Florida
*Esmeralda County, Nevada
*Essex County, Massachusetts
* Essex County, New Jersey
* Essex County, New York
* Essex County, Vermont
* Essex County, Virginia
*Estill County, Kentucky
*Etowah County, Alabama
*Eureka County, Nevada
*Evangeline Parish, Louisiana
*Evans County, Georgia


*Fairbanks North Star Borough, Alaska
*Fairfax, Virginia
*Fairfax County, Virginia
*Fairfield County, Connecticut: Named after the town of Fairfield, which was named after the salt marshes that bordered the coast.
* Fairfield County, Ohio: Named after the Fairfield area of the original Lancaster.
* Fairfield County, South Carolina
*Fall River County, South Dakota
*Fallon County, Montana
*Falls County, Texas
*Falls Church, Virginia — From The Falls Church, a historic church in the city. The church in turn was named from its position on the main road to the Great Falls of the Potomac River in colonial times. [cite web|url= |title=About Us |publisher=The Falls Church |accessdate=2008-10-02]
*Fannin County, Georgia
* Fannin County, Texas
*Faribault County, Minnesota
*Faulk County, South Dakota
*Faulkner County, Arkansas
*Fauquier County, Virginia
* Fayette County, Alabama — All Fayette Counties in the United States are named after Gilbert du Motier, marquis de La Fayette (1757–1834), a French general who played a major role in the Revolutionary War.
* Fayette County, Georgia
* Fayette County, Illinois
* Fayette County, Indiana
* Fayette County, Iowa
* Fayette County, Kentucky
* Fayette County, Ohio
* Fayette County, Pennsylvania
* Fayette County, Tennessee
* Fayette County, Texas
* Fayette County, West Virginia
*Fentress County, Tennessee is named for Tennessee state legislator James Fentress.
*Fergus County, Montana
*Ferry County, Washington
*Fillmore County, Minnesota
* Fillmore County, Nebraska
*Finney County, Kansas
*Fisher County, Texas
*Flagler County, Florida
*Flathead County, Montana
*Fleming County, Kentucky
*Florence County, South Carolina
* Florence County, Wisconsin
*Floyd County, Georgia
* Floyd County, Indiana: Floyd is named for either Col. John Floyd of Virginia or for either early settler Davis Floyd or early settler John Floyd.
* Floyd County, Iowa
* Floyd County, Kentucky
* Floyd County, Texas
* Floyd County, Virginia
*Fluvanna County, Virginia
*Foard County, Texas
*Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin
*Ford County, Illinois
* Ford County, Kansas
*Forest County, Pennsylvania
* Forest County, Wisconsin
*Forrest County, Mississippi
*Forsyth County, Georgia
* Forsyth County, North Carolina
*Fort Bend County, Texas
*Foster County, North Dakota
*Fountain County, Indiana: Fountain is named for soldier James Fountain who was killed at the Battle of Maumee in 1790.
*Franklin, Virginia
*Franklin County, Alabama
* Franklin County, Arkansas
* Franklin County, Florida
* Franklin County, Georgia
* Franklin County, Idaho
* Franklin County, Illinois
* Franklin County, Indiana: Franklin is named for Founding Father Benjamin Franklin.
* Franklin County, Iowa
* Franklin County, Kansas
* Franklin County, Kentucky
* Franklin County, Maine
* Franklin County, Massachusetts
* Franklin County, Mississippi
* Franklin County, Missouri
* Franklin County, Nebraska
* Franklin County, New York
* Franklin County, North Carolina
* Franklin County, Ohio
* Franklin County, Pennsylvania:Franklin is named for Founding Father Benjamin Franklin.
* Franklin County, Tennessee, is named for Founding Father Benjamin Franklin (1706–1790).
* Franklin County, Texas
* Franklin County, Vermont
* Franklin County, Virginia
* Franklin County, Washington
* Franklin Parish, Louisiana is named for Benjamin Franklin.
*Frederick County, Maryland
* Frederick County, Virginia
*Fredericksburg, Virginia
*Freeborn County, Minnesota
*Freestone County, Texas
*Fremont County, Colorado: Fremont County is named for explorer and Presidential candidate John C. Frémont.
* Fremont County, Idaho
* Fremont County, Iowa
* Fremont County, Wyoming
*Fresno County, California
*Frio County, Texas
*Frontier County, Nebraska
*Fulton County, Arkansas
* Fulton County, Georgia
* Fulton County, Illinois
* Fulton County, Indiana: Fulton is named for Robert Fulton, inventor of the steamboat.
* Fulton County, Kentucky
* Fulton County, New York
* Fulton County, Ohio
* Fulton County, Pennsylvania
*Furnas County, Nebraska


*Gadsden County, Florida
*Gage County, Nebraska
*Gaines County, Texas
*Galax, Virginia
*Gallatin County, Illinois
* Gallatin County, Kentucky
* Gallatin County, Montana
*Gallia County, Ohio
*Galveston County, Texas
*Garden County, Nebraska
*Garfield County, Colorado: Garfield County is named for assassinated United States President James Garfield.
* Garfield County, Montana
* Garfield County, Nebraska
* Garfield County, Oklahoma
* Garfield County, Utah
* Garfield County, Washington
*Garland County, Arkansas
*Garrard County, Kentucky
*Garrett County, Maryland
*Garvin County, Oklahoma
*Garza County, Texas
*Gasconade County, Missouri
*Gaston County, North Carolina
*Gates County, North Carolina
*Geary County, Kansas
*Geauga County, Ohio
*Gem County, Idaho
*Genesee County, Michigan
* Genesee County, New York
*Geneva County, Alabama
*Gentry County, Missouri
*George County, Mississippi
*Georgetown County, South Carolina
*Gibson County, Indiana: Gibson is named for John Gibson, a secretary of the Indiana Territory.
* Gibson County, Tennessee, is named for John H. Gibson, a soldier of the Natchez Expedition and the Creek War.
*Gila County, Arizona
*Gilchrist County, Florida
*Giles County, Tennessee is named for U.S. Senator and Governor of Virginia William B. Giles (1762–1830).
* Giles County, Virginia
*Gillespie County, Texas
*Gilliam County, Oregon
*Gilmer County, Georgia
*Gilmer County, West Virginia
*Gilpin County, Colorado: Gilpin County is named for William Gilpin, the first Territorial Governor of Colorado.
*Glacier County, Montana
*Glades County, Florida
*Gladwin County, Michigan
*Glascock County, Georgia
*Glasscock County, Texas
*Glenn County, California
*Gloucester County, New Jersey
* Gloucester County, Virginia
*Glynn County, Georgia
*Gogebic County, Michigan
*Golden Valley County, Montana
* Golden Valley County, North Dakota
*Goliad County, Texas
*Gonzales County, Texas
*Goochland County, Virginia
*Goodhue County, Minnesota
*Gooding County, Idaho
*Gordon County, Georgia
*Goshen County, Wyoming
*Gosper County, Nebraska
*Gove County, Kansas
*Grady County, Georgia
* Grady County, Oklahoma
*Grafton County, New Hampshire
*Graham County, Arizona
* Graham County, Kansas
* Graham County, North Carolina
*Grainger County, Tennessee, is named for Mary Grainger Blount, wife of William Blount and "first lady" of the Southwest Territory, which later became Tennessee.
*Grand County, Colorado: Grand County is named for the Colorado River, which begins in the mountains of eastern Grand County. Before 1921, the river was known as the Grand River as it flowed through the state of Colorado.
* Grand County, Utah
*Grand Forks County, North Dakota
*Grand Isle County, Vermont
*Grand Traverse County, Michigan
*Granite County, Montana
*Grant County, Arkansas
* Grant County, Indiana: Grant is named for Captains Samuel and Moses Grant of Kentucky.
* Grant County, Kansas
* Grant County, Kentucky
* Grant County, Minnesota
* Grant County, Nebraska
* Grant County, New Mexico
* Grant County, North Dakota
* Grant County, Oklahoma
* Grant County, Oregon
* Grant County, South Dakota
* Grant County, Washington
* Grant County, West Virginia
* Grant County, Wisconsin
* Grant Parish, Louisiana bears the name of the general and president, Ulysses S. Grant.
*Granville County, North Carolina
*Gratiot County, Michigan
*Graves County, Kentucky
*Gray County, Kansas
* Gray County, Texas
*Grays Harbor County, Washington
*Grayson County, Kentucky
* Grayson County, Texas
* Grayson County, Virginia
*Greeley County, Kansas
* Greeley County, Nebraska
*Green County, Kentucky
* Green County, Wisconsin
*Green Lake County, Wisconsin
*Greenbrier County, West Virginia
*Greene County, Alabama
* Greene County, Arkansas
* Greene County, Georgia
* Greene County, Illinois
* Greene County, Indiana: Greene is named for Nathanael Greene, an officer of the American Revolutionary War.
* Greene County, Iowa
* Greene County, Mississippi
* Greene County, Missouri
* Greene County, New York
* Greene County, North Carolina
* Greene County, Ohio
* Greene County, Pennsylvania
* Greene County, Tennessee is named for American Revolutionary War leader Nathanael Greene (1742–1786).
* Greene County, Virginia
*Greenlee County, Arizona
*Greensville County, Virginia
*Greenup County, Kentucky
*Greenville County, South Carolina
*Greenwood County, Kansas
* Greenwood County, South Carolina
*Greer County, Oklahoma
*Gregg County, Texas
*Gregory County, South Dakota
*Grenada County, Mississippi
*Griggs County, North Dakota
*Grimes County, Texas
*Grundy County, Illinois
* Grundy County, Iowa
* Grundy County, Missouri
* Grundy County, Tennessee is named for U.S. Attorney General Felix Grundy (1777–1840).
*Guadalupe County, New Mexico
* Guadalupe County, Texas
*Guernsey County, Ohio
*Guilford County, North Carolina
*Gulf County, Florida
*Gunnison County, Colorado: Gunnison County is named for explorer John W. Gunnison, who surveyed the county during his ill-fated 1853 expedition.
*Guthrie County, Iowa
*Gwinnett County, Georgia


*Haakon County, South Dakota
*Habersham County, Georgia
*Haines Borough, Alaska
*Hale County, Alabama
* Hale County, Texas
*Halifax County, North Carolina
* Halifax County, Virginia
*Hall County, Georgia
* Hall County, Nebraska
* Hall County, Texas
*Hamblen County, Tennessee is named for early settler Hezekiah Hamblen.
*Hamilton County, Florida
* Hamilton County, Illinois
* Hamilton County, Indiana: Hamilton is named for Founding Father Alexander Hamilton.
* Hamilton County, Iowa
* Hamilton County, Kansas
* Hamilton County, Nebraska
* Hamilton County, New York, is named for Alexander Hamilton, although he himself was from New York City and served as an assemblyman in the New York Legislature from New York County.
* Hamilton County, Ohio
* Hamilton County, Tennessee, is named for Founding Father Alexander Hamilton (1755 or 1757–1804).
* Hamilton County, Texas
*Hamlin County, South Dakota
*Hampden County, Massachusetts
*Hampshire County, Massachusetts
* Hampshire County, West Virginia
*Hampton, Virginia
*Hampton County, South Carolina
*Hancock County, Georgia
* Hancock County, Illinois
* Hancock County, Indiana: Hancock is named for president of the Continental Congress John Hancock.
* Hancock County, Iowa
* Hancock County, Kentucky
* Hancock County, Maine
* Hancock County, Mississippi
* Hancock County, Ohio
* Hancock County, Tennessee, is named for President of the Continental Congress John Hancock (1737–1793),
* Hancock County, West Virginia
*Hand County, South Dakota
*Hanover County, Virginia
*Hansford County, Texas
*Hanson County, South Dakota
*Haralson County, Georgia
*Hardee County, Florida
*Hardeman County, Tennessee, is named for Thomas Jones Hardeman, Creek War and War of 1812 soldier, later a member of the Republic of Texas legislature.
* Hardeman County, Texas
*Hardin County, Illinois
* Hardin County, Iowa
* Hardin County, Kentucky
* Hardin County, Ohio
* Hardin County, Tennessee, is named for Joseph Hardin, legislator of the Southwest Territory and State of Franklin.
* Hardin County, Texas
*Harding County, New Mexico
* Harding County, South Dakota
*Hardy County, West Virginia
*Harford County, Maryland
*Harlan County, Kentucky
*Harlan County, Nebraska
*Harmon County, Oklahoma
*Harnett County, North Carolina
*Harney County, Oregon
*Harper County, Kansas
* Harper County, Oklahoma
*Harris County, Georgia
* Harris County, Texas
*Harrison County, Indiana: Harrison is named for William Henry Harrison, governor of Indiana Territory and later U.S. President.
* Harrison County, Iowa
* Harrison County, Kentucky
* Harrison County, Mississippi
* Harrison County, Missouri
* Harrison County, Ohio
* Harrison County, Texas
* Harrison County, West Virginia
*Harrisonburg, Virginia
*Hart County, Georgia
* Hart County, Kentucky
*Hartford County, Connecticut: Hartford is named for the city of Hartford, the county seat and capital of Connecticut.
*Hartley County, Texas
*Harvey County, Kansas
*Haskell County, Kansas
* Haskell County, Oklahoma
* Haskell County, Texas
*Hawaii County, Hawaii
*Hawkins County, Tennessee, is named for [United States Senate|U.S. Senator] Benjamin Hawkins (1754–1816).
*Hayes County, Nebraska
*Hays County, Texas
*Haywood County, North Carolina
* Haywood County, Tennessee, is named for Judge John Haywood (1762–1826), called "the father of Tennessee history."
*Heard County, Georgia
*Hemphill County, Texas
*Hempstead County, Arkansas
*Henderson County, Illinois
* Henderson County, Kentucky
* Henderson County, North Carolina
* Henderson County, Tennessee, is named for James Henderson, an officer of the War of 1812.
* Henderson County, Texas
*Hendricks County, Indiana: Hendricks is named for Governor of Indiana William Hendricks.
*Hendry County, Florida
*Hennepin County, Minnesota
*Henrico County, Virginia
*Henry County, Alabama
* Henry County, Georgia
* Henry County, Illinois
* Henry County, Indiana: Henry is named for Patriot Patrick Henry.
* Henry County, Iowa
* Henry County, Kentucky
* Henry County, Missouri
* Henry County, Ohio
* Henry County, Tennessee, is named for Revolutionary-era patriot Patrick Henry (1736–1799).
* Henry County, Virginia
*Herkimer County, New York
*Hernando County, Florida
*Hertford County, North Carolina
*Hettinger County, North Dakota
*Hickman County, Kentucky
* Hickman County, Tennessee, is named for Edwin Hickman, a longhunter killed by Native Americans near the present-day Centerville, Tennessee.
*Hickory County, Missouri
*Hidalgo County, New Mexico
* Hidalgo County, Texas
*Highland County, Ohio
* Highland County, Virginia
*Highlands County, Florida
*Hill County, Montana
* Hill County, Texas
*Hillsborough County, Florida
* Hillsborough County, New Hampshire
*Hillsdale County, Michigan
*Hinds County, Mississippi
*Hinsdale County, Colorado: Hinsdale County is named for George A. Hinsdale, a lawyer who was named Lieutenant Governor when Colorado first applied for statehood (1864-65). United States President Andrew Johnson rejected the application and Colorado did not become a state until 1876.
*Hitchcock County, Nebraska
*Hocking County, Ohio
*Hockley County, Texas
*Hodgeman County, Kansas
*Hoke County, North Carolina: Hoke County is named for a general of the Confederacy, Gen. Robert F. Hoke. [ History of Hoke County]
*Holmes County, Florida
* Holmes County, Mississippi
* Holmes County, Ohio
*Holt County, Missouri
* Holt County, Nebraska
*Honolulu County, Hawaii
*Hood County, Texas
*Hood River County, Oregon
*Hooker County, Nebraska
*Hopewell, Virginia
*Hopkins County, Kentucky
*Hopkins County, Texas
*Horry County, South Carolina
*Hot Spring County, Arkansas
*Hot Springs County, Wyoming
*Houghton County, Michigan
*Houston County, Alabama
* Houston County, Georgia
* Houston County, Minnesota
* Houston County, Tennessee, is named for Sam Houston (1793–1863), Tennessee governor and congressman, president of the Republic of Texas, U.S. Senator from Texas, and Texas governor.
* Houston County, Texas
*Howard County, Arkansas
* Howard County, Indiana: Howard is named for T. A. Howard, a U.S. Representative from Indiana.
* Howard County, Iowa
* Howard County, Maryland
* Howard County, Missouri
* Howard County, Nebraska
* Howard County, Texas
*Howell County, Missouri
*Hubbard County, Minnesota
*Hudson County, New Jersey
*Hudspeth County, Texas
*Huerfano County, Colorado: Huerfano County is named for the Huerfano River, which itself is named for an isolated landmark known as Huerfano Bluff ("Huerfano" is Spanish for "Orphan")
*Hughes County, Oklahoma
* Hughes County, South Dakota
*Humboldt County, California
* Humboldt County, Iowa
* Humboldt County, Nevada
*Humphreys County, Mississippi
* Humphreys County, Tennessee, is named for U.S. Representative Parry Wayne Humphreys (1778–1839).
*Hunt County, Texas
*Hunterdon County, New Jersey
*Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania
* Huntington County, Indiana: Huntington is named for president of the Continental Congress Samuel Huntington.
*Huron County, Michigan
* Huron County, Ohio
*Hutchinson County, South Dakota
* Hutchinson County, Texas
*Hyde County, North Carolina
* Hyde County, South Dakota


*Iberia Parish, Louisiana
*Iberville Parish, Louisiana
*Ida County, Iowa
*Idaho County, Idaho
*Imperial County, California
*Independence County, Arkansas
*Indian River County, Florida
*Indiana County, Pennsylvania
*Ingham County, Michigan
*Inyo County, California
*Ionia County, Michigan
*Iosco County, Michigan
*Iowa County, Iowa
* Iowa County, Wisconsin
*Iredell County, North Carolina
*Irion County, Texas
*Iron County, Michigan
* Iron County, Missouri
* Iron County, Utah
* Iron County, Wisconsin
*Iroquois County, Illinois
*Irwin County, Georgia
*Isabella County, Michigan
*Isanti County, Minnesota
*Island County, Washington
*Isle of Wight County, Virginia
*Issaquena County, Mississippi
*Itasca County, Minnesota
*Itawamba County, Mississippi
*Izard County, Arkansas

ee also

*Lists of U.S. county name etymologies for links to the remainder of the list.

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