- Sivapithecus
name = "Sivapithecus"
fossil_range =Miocene
image_width = 250px
image_caption = "Sivapithecus indicus" skull,Muséum national d'histoire naturelle , Paris
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Chordata
classis =Mammal ia
ordo =Primates
familia =Hominidae
subfamilia =Ponginae
genus = "Sivapithecus"
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = "Sivapithecus indicus "
"Sivapithecus sivalensis "
"Sivapithecus parvada ""Sivapithecus" is a
genus ofextinct primate s. Fossil remains of animals now assigned to this genus, dated from 12.5 million to 8.5 million years old in theMiocene , have been found since the 19th century in theSiwalik Hills in what is nowIndia andPakistan . Any one of the species in this genus may have been the ancestor to the modernorangutan s.pecies
Currently three species are generally recognized. "
Sivapithecus indicus " fossils date from about 12.5 million to 10.5 million years ago. "S. sivalensis" lived from 9.5 million to 8.5 million years ago. In 1988 a third, significantly larger species was described and named "S. parvada" (dated at about 10 million years ago).In
1982 ,David Pilbeam published a description of a significant fossil find — a large part of the face and jaw of a "Sivapithecus". The specimen bore many similarities to theorangutan skull and strengthened the theory (previously suggested by others) that "Sivapithecus" was closely related to orangutans.The rise and fall of Ramapithecus
Siwalik specimens once assigned to the genus "Ramapithecus" are now considered by most researchers to belong to one or more species of "Sivapithecus". "Ramapithecus" is no longer regarded as a likely ancestor of humans.
The first incomplete specimens of "Ramapithecus" were found in Nepal on the bank of Tenau River western part of the country in 1932. The finder (G. Edward Lewis) claimed that the jaw was more like a human's than any other fossil ape then known. ["
The first human ", byAnn Gibbons , Doubleday 2006. Page 64] In the 1960s this claim was revived. At that time, it was believed that the ancestors of humans had diverged from other apes 15 million years ago. Biochemical studies upset this view, suggesting that there was an early split between orangutan ancestors and the common ancestors of chimps, gorillas and humans. Humans had separated from African apes about five million years ago, not 15 million or 25 million. ["The first human", page 74]Meanwhile, more complete specimens of "Ramapithecus" were found in 1975 and 1976, which showed that it was less human-like than had been thought. It began to look more and more like "Sivapithecus" - meaning that the older name must take priority. It could be that "Ramapithecus" was just the female form of "Sivapithecus". ["The first human", page 76-77] They were definitely members of the same genus. It is also likely that they were already separate from the common ancestor of chimps, gorillas and humans, though fossils of this presumed ancestor have not yet been found.
*Kelley, Jay. 2002. The hominoid radiation in Asia. In Hartwig, W. (ed.) "The Primate Fossil Record",
Cambridge University Press , pp. 369-384.ee also
Ape#History of hominoid taxonomy
*Human evolutionary genetics External links
* [http://www.modernhumanorigins.net/sivapithecus.html Photo] of the 1982 "Sivapithecus" skull ("GSP 15000")
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.