- Jeffrey Hunker
Jeffrey Hunker is an adjunct professor at the
Heinz School atCarnegie Mellon University holding the title "Distinguished Service Professor of Technology and Public Policy." He received his bachelors degree fromHarvard and PhD fromHarvard Business School and joined theBoston Consulting Group . He later became an advisor in theDepartment of Commerce and the founding director of the Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office. This led him to serve on theNational Security Council as the Senior Director for Critical Infrastructure. Hunker was also a Vice President atKidder, Peabody & Co. , Dean of theHeinz School , and is a member of theCouncil on Foreign Relations . He is credited with coining the termcyberinfrastructure and has worked closely withRichard A. Clarke oncyberterrorism issues. Hunker's research is primarily concerned with Homeland and Information Security.Drunken Driving Incidents
According to the
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette during a span of 8 days between August 17th-24th, 2008, Dr. Hunker was arrested 3 times for Drunken Driving [http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/08240/907173-53.stm] , initially after police said he drove through a neighbor's yard on Squirrel Hill Avenue, ran over a small tree, smashed into a car and then slammed into a house. According to a police report, his blood alcohol level at the first incident was 0.262, and a second reading measured 0.271. On August 18th, he was seen operating the damaged vehicle on North Craig Street, and was pulled over and arrested where his blood alcohol levels measured 0.173 and 0.167. On Sunday August 24th, as police were responding to a call from his house that Dr. Hunker had been suicidal, they spotted him driving away in a new vehicle and after being pulled over, officers were quoted as stating "I asked if he had been drinking and he stated yes, he drank a pint of vodka".This series of incidents came 4 years after his first citation for driving drunk back in December 30th, 2004 [http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/08243/908268-298.stm] when he struck another car when driving drunk. After this first incident, he entered an Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition program for first-time offenders and had his record expunged.
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