Low-Rent Musical Bioplay

Low-Rent Musical Bioplay

Low-Rent Musical Bioplay (LRMB) a phrase originally used in the New Times Broward-Palm Beach to describe theatrical productions depicting the lives of popular entertainers through music and exposition. As originally used by the paper's critic, it was a prejorative term, denoting cynicism and a lack of imagination on the part of such productions' producers. [ [http://www.browardpalmbeach.com/2007-08-02/culture/a-marvelous-pity/ "A Marvelous Party" Review] ]

Examples of LRMBs

* Backwards In High Heels (about Ginger Rogers)
* The Boy From Brooklyn (about Danny Kaye)
* A Marvelous Party (about Noel Coward)
* Side By Side By Sondheim (about Stephen Sondheim)
* Tomfoolery (about Tom Lehrer)


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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